Description: This is the basic simple sentences to describe starting state, activities or tasks undertaken as a part of the story, and the desired outcome. It should take a user-centric point of view, and should follow the Cucumber/Gherkin syntax so it can easily stub a testing scenario.
Acceptance Criteria: The explicit single success metric that the story must meet.
Alignment: How does this story align with the four fundamentals of product development (Valuable, Usable, Feasible, Viable)?
Equity Criteria: Does this story require an additional GBA+ lens? Stories that require this can be labelled with Review_Equity
Risks: What are the known risk factors that could negatively impact the scope, timelines or budget? Could there be issues beyond the control of the scrum team to deliver the issue within the sprint and within the estimated effort? Stories that require this can labelled with Review_Risks.
Equity Criteria: Does this story require an additional GBA+ lens? Stories that require this can be labelled with Review_Equity.
Known Dependencies: If this story is dependent on one or many other stories, a brief mention can be made here. Stories that have known dependencies can be labelled with Known_Dependencies, and should have those stories/tasks/bugs linked.
Needs Documentation: If this story needs new documentation to be created or existing documentation to be updated, it can be labelled with Docs_Needed.
If any of these criteria do not apply, the section can be simply given the text N/A.
The following text can be used as a template for creating new user stories, or the story User Template V1 V2 can be cloned.
Risks to scope of work
Risks to timeline
Risks to cost
Equity Criteria
Known Dependencies
Needs Documentation