Restart the production instance by running the Restart Instance workflow with “prod” as the first argument (the second argument is irrelevant). Verify that the new WordPress version is now running and apply any fixes that were done on the test instance to bring the site into alignment.
Rename latest tag to dev tag
“dev” tag is used for the development instance of WordPress. Once production has been upgraded, rename “latest” tag to “dev” to ensure that dev site is also running on latest WordPress version (restart dev using restart instance workflow).
Nginx version upgrade
Nginx version upgrade is similar to the WordPress upgrade.
Run Check for new nginx Docker image workflow with a desired nginx tag as input. This will update the appropriate docker file and trigger the build workflow. Refer to the upstream repository dockerfile for the current version of nginx ran by the GDX DES team.
Rename the latest tag in the image stream to “test” using Rename latest nginx tag workflow with default parameter (“test”)
Restart the test WordPress instance using Restart instance workflow and verify that it functions correctly.
Rename the latest tag in the image stream to “prod” using Rename latest nginx tag workflow with “prod” as the argument
Rest production server using the Restart instance workflow with “prod” as the argument
Rename “latest” tag to “dev” to ensure that dev instance of WordPress is also running the latest version (restart dev using restart instance workflow)
Updating Stock Plugins
There is currently no automatic way to perform upgrades of stock plugins. It is recommended to implement such approach using composer.json in combination with https://wpackagist.org/ service. This work has been started with the introduction of composer.json file, available on the plugins-composer branch.