Table of Contents |
\uD83D\uDCCB Overview
For May 2024, we have a new mission. We need to deliver a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for BC Wildfire Services (BCWS). We are now expanding the product for BCWS to deliver an intake form to streamline both programs. We will also deliver an applicant review feature where BCWS Fire Coordinators can review new applicants and approve them in Talent Cloud.
We have delivered a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) of the emergency response software app (Talent Cloud) by March 22, 2024 to assist BC government employees, particularly EMCR TEAMS coordinators, in finding and deploying EMCR TEAMS members' talent during emergencies and disasters. We have also delivered an updated intake form for BC employees to apply to EMCR TEAMS for a seamless user experience.
❓ What is TEAMS?
TEAMS is the staffing system which maintains a resource pool of highly qualified employees from various ministries with appropriate skills to work in emergency operations centers.
When emergencies happen, TEAMS volunteers leave their BC Public Service base positions to work in a TEAMS role, with the benefit of not losing their position or pay. TEAMS members play an important role during the coordination of emergencies and disasters in British Columbia.
There are two TEAMS within government, one for EMCR and one for BCWS. The focus of this product is EMCR TEAMS.
\uD83C\uDFA2 Project strategy roadmap and planning
This strategic roadmap lists the Sprint goals and orders them by priority. This strategic plan details the action items and plans for each sprint. The development of the dashboard feature before user profile management, ensuring a logical flow that emphasizes core functionalities and user interactions. Regular sprint reviews and retrospectives will be essential for adapting to changing requirements and ensuring continuous improvement throughout the development process.
What do the colors mean?
Moved over to next sprint
In-progress/carried over to the next sprint
Sprint 1 Goals
Dec 1 - 14, 2023
Sprint 2 Goals
Dec 15 - 22, 2023
Sprint 3 Goals
Jan 4 - 17, 2024
Sprint 4 Goals
Jan 18 - Feb 7, 2024
Setup and Onboarding
- Create data model
- Set up Postgres database (local)
Login Portal Backend - group it as one
- Set up KeyCloak
- Handle authentication/authorization
- Implement backend validation for user authentication
- Route the FE to the login page
- Conduct basic testing for login functionality
- Get app into OpenShift
- Create data model
- Set up Postgres database (dev)
- Environment setup (dev)
- GitHub workflows for PRs
- Automated testing suite for FE
- Automated testing suite for BE
- Implement backend validation for user authentication
- Get into Openshift
- Set up TEST env
- Finalize iteration of dashboard mock-up (search/filter/table)
- Integration between FE and BE
EMCR Intake Form
Service Design
- Create MVP service blue print
User Profile Screen
- Create user profile mock-ups
- Finalize requirements/AC for filter section (function, work location)
Continue Build of Dashboard
- Create seed data for testing
- Complete filters
Build and Test User Profile Screen
- Conduct thorough testing of the user details screen features
- Implement user profile screen
- Display profile section
- Test that data from dashboard matches profile data
Scheduler SPIKE
- Work on the Spike ticket for scheduler
- Design the of the scheduler
EMCR Intake Form
- Collaborate with CHEFS on intake form build
- Build RestAPI and endpoint tokens to pull in CHEFS EMCR Forms data
- Conduct thorough testing of the EMCR intake form mock up with coordinators
Service Design
- Create MVP service blue print
- Test MVP service blue print with EMCR coordinators
- Gather and summarize existing EMCR TEAMS communications (i.e. email templates) to identify improvements to processes
Table of Contents |
\uD83D\uDCCB Overview
In May 31, 2024, we will deliver a minimum viable product (MVP) to assist BCWS & EMCR TEAMS Coordinators attract new members to join the program to build our talent capacity for emergency response. The key features to be implemented as follows:
BCWS & EMCR to be able to review and approve new members on the dashboard.
Consolidated two intake forms into one to create a single entry for the program.
This solution will enable BCWS & EMCR TEAMS Coordinators to efficiently process potential new members and improving the experience of public servants who want to join the program by streamlining the application process.
In March 22, 2024, we delivered a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) of the emergency response software app (Talent Cloud) to EMCR TEAMS Coordinators, in finding and deploying EMCR TEAMS members' talent during emergencies and disasters. We have also delivered an updated intake form for BC employees to apply to EMCR TEAMS for a seamless user experience. This endeavor took us 13 weeks to deliver.
❓ What is TEAMS?
TEAMS is the staffing system which maintains a resource pool of highly qualified employees from various ministries with appropriate skills to work in emergency operations centers.
When emergencies happen, TEAMS volunteers leave their BC Public Service base positions to work in a TEAMS role, with the benefit of not losing their position or pay. TEAMS members play an important role during the coordination of emergencies and disasters in British Columbia.
There are two TEAMS within government, one for EMCR and one for BCWS. The focus of this product is EMCR TEAMS.
\uD83C\uDFA2 Project strategy roadmap and planning
This strategic roadmap lists the Sprint goals and orders them by priority. This strategic plan details the action items and plans for each sprint. The development of the dashboard feature before user profile management, ensuring a logical flow that emphasizes core functionalities and user interactions. Regular sprint reviews and retrospectives will be essential for adapting to changing requirements and ensuring continuous improvement throughout the development process.
What do the colors mean?
Moved over to next sprint
In-progress/carried over to the next sprint
Sprint 1 Goals | Sprint 2 Goals | Sprint 3 Goals | Sprint 4 Goals | |
1 | Setup and Onboarding
Login Portal Backend - group it as one
| Mockups/Testing/Documentation
| Dashboard
EMCR Intake Form
Service Design
User Profile Screen
| Continue Build of Dashboard
Build and Test User Profile Screen
Scheduler SPIKE
EMCR Intake Form
Service Design
Conduct Testing
2 | PO/Project Tasks
| PO/Project Tasks
Sprint 5 Goals | Sprint 6 Goals | Sprint 7 Goals | MVP Release March 22, 2024 | |
1 | Dashboard
User Profile:
EMCR Intake Form
Service Design
| Dashboard
Log in:
User Profile:
EMCR Intake Form
- Address any discovered bugs or issues promptly
PO/Project Tasks
- Vanity URL Katie Menke (waiting on product name decision)
- Product name
- Comms plan with PSA and EMCR
PO/Project Tasks
- Vanity URL Katie Menke (moved to POST MVP)
- PIA/STRA Dea De Jarisco (submitted)
- Product name
- Comms plan with PSA and EMCR (POST MVP)
Sprint 5 Goals
Feb 8 - Feb 21, 2024
Sprint 6 Goals
Feb 22 - March 6, 2024
Sprint 7 Goals
March 7 - March 20, 2024
MVP Release
March 22, 2024
- Update availability on dashboard based on scheduler SPIKE
- Complete filters
- Add “new” member UI
User Profile:
- UI Edit “new” member
- UI FE and BE of scheduler
EMCR Intake Form
- Testing with TEAMS applicants
Service Design
- Research and analysis of EMCR intake form
- Conduct comprehensive testing, including unit tests, integration tests, and system tests
- Address any discovered bugs or issues promptly
- Import real data to database
- Access to dashboard data
- Wipe seed data from database
- Add “new” member DEV
Log in:
- Edit access only for two EMCR IDIRs (confirm IDIRs with Caitlyn)
User Profile:
- Edit “new” member
- Build FE and BE of scheduler
EMCR Intake Form
- RestAPI and token
- Final build of EMCR Intake Form
- Conduct comprehensive testing, including unit tests, integration tests, and system tests
- Address any discovered bugs or issues promptly
User Profile:
- Update fields based on final EMCR Intake Form
- Wrap up features of User Profile
Code freeze March 12:
- Wrap up existing feature work by EOD March 12
- Bug fixes
- Small UI tweaks
Service Design
- Research and analysis of single intake form approach (BCWS and EMCR) to inform future state document
- Draft single intake form (content and design)
- Process mapping workshop with SHR, logistics, TEAMS coordinators and training.
EMCR Intranet:
- Update job descriptions
- Provide update instructions on EMCR TEAMS program
EMCR Onboarding:
- Update User Manual based on process mapping workshop
- Onboard EMCR to user manual and application
Celebrate release!
- Deliver a virtual meeting with EMCR and the team to introduce the MVP link and celebrate!
Service Design:
- Document post-MVP feature ideas based on research
- Clean up Figma, Confluence, MS Teams, documentation and JIRA
- Product name (done but can’t implement until after Post MVP)
- Comms plan with PSA and EMCR (Post MVP)
PO/Project Tasks
- Communicate upcoming release and training to EMCR coordinators
- Identify training champions
- Confirm post MVP funding and ownership (pending governance decisions)
PO/Project Tasks
- Onboard coordinators to new EMCR dashboard and intake form
- Prep for March 22 demo celebration with EMCR and Scrum Team
- Prep for final MVP demo on March 20 🥳
- Communicate MVP and post MVP to leadership
Sprint 9 Goals
Apr 4 - Apr 18, 2024
Sprint 10 Goals
Apr 19 - May 2, 2024
Sprint 11 Goals
May 3 - May 16, 2024
Sprint 11 Goals
May 17 - May 30, 2024
- Initial look for BCWS Dashboard for approving new applicants
Applicant Approval
- EMCR - Complete pending applicant review feature
Integrated Intake Form
- Create the first draft of the integrated intake form
Service Design
- Research and analysis of the first draft of the integrated intake form with Emily (BCWS) & Caitlyn (EMCR).
- Set testing process and release process and cycles
Data Fields
- Gather & finalize data fields needed for BCWS to approve new applicants
- Verify fields of approving applicants against BCWS' rules for approval
- Data freeze - most fields are confirmed so that we can start making changes to our schema (April 24)
- Research the BCWS Dashboard for applicant approval
- Conduct usability testing of BCWS Dashboard with BCWS TEAMS Coordinators
- Finalize the design the BCWS Dashboard for applicant approval
Member Profile
- Design the BCWS member profile
- Conduct usability testing of BCWS TEAMS' members profile
Integrated Intake Form
- kjfklafjakfjalkfjda
- Finalize designs for the BCWS Dashboard
Member Profile
- Finalize the design of BCWS member profile
Integrated Intake Form
- Conduct usability testing of the first draft of the integrated form with potential applicants + EMCR Members + BCWS Member.
- Create the second draft of the integrated intake form.
- Conduct usability testing (the “compromise) of the second draft of the integrated form with BCWS TEAMS Coordinators.
Integrated Intake Form
- Finalize synthesis of research to create a final integrated intake form.
- Finalize content and design for the integrated intake form.
- Create the final integrated intake form in CHEFS
| User Profile:
Code freeze March 12:
Service Design
EMCR Intranet:
EMCR Onboarding:
| Celebrate release!
Service Design:
| ||
2 | PO/Project Tasks
| PO/Project Tasks
| PO/Project Tasks
Sprint 9 Goals | Sprint 10 Goals | Sprint 11 Goals | Sprint 11 Goals May 17 - May 30, 2024 (May 31st MVP Release) | |
1 | Dashboard
Applicant Approval
Integrated Intake Form
Service Design
| Data Fields
Member Profile
Integrated Intake Form
| Dashboard
Member Profile
Integrated Intake Form
| Dashboard
Member Profile
Testing & Bug Fixes (May 20th - 31st)
Integrated Intake Form (after May 31st implementation)
2 | PO/Project Tasks
| PO/Project Tasks
| PO/Project Tasks |
Release 1: EMCR MVP - March 2024
Released Notes: EMCR Focus - Dashboard,
Release 2: BCWS MVP - May 2024
Released Notes:
Project channels
Channel | Name | Link | Audience |
MS TEAMS | ERA | Scrum team | |