I don’t see overt risk in a connected service, but I also don’t see it as the highest priority or highest value next step
lots of detail to tease out in the conversations about how to move forward — per the full-stack service design model (Sarah Drummond) and 15 good service principles (School of Good Services), how we structure ourselves can significantly influence the service experience, but this should be mostly invisible to our partners/clients anyway (we’ve confirmed they struggle to remember all the product and service names - within DTC and the broader OCIO ecosystem)
I want to ensure we create space for understanding more experiences: candidates and contractors brought in to do the digital work, and the bigger picture vendor perspective
Folks are articulating what a high stakes time this is, and that folks in digital roles achieving outcomes is a primary strategy for gaining/sustaining transformation buy-in and investment from Sr. Leaders - strong hires/vendors that are a good ‘fit’ for the work that needs to get done are critical in this moment in time
have collected some helpful stories around current state pain points for us to explore together
Folks are trending toward hiring-forward org strategies (“bring the brains back” TLee), but still greatly value vendors - hearing very intentional strategies and rationale to explore together re: when & why people hire vs. procure
bang for buck: vendors 2x the cost, with rates rising
combined with high volume of quality job applications, at present
with business continuity/knowledge management top of mind - long term thinking, org health, sustainability
and a strategic preference toward hiring junior and growing folks, vs. exclusively brining folks in as 27s/30s
learned of 3 different development programs underway across CITZ, MoTI - TELP, NRIDS
many more are looking into development strategies, but less formal
Strong theme around moving away from rigid/standalone teams toward blended orgs: “service thinking” e.g. digital folk collaborating with policy and program area roles to deliver that policy
Good insights around what’s driving behaviour - fiscal year x time to hire is a big one, lots of factors beyond their control can create urgency to acquire talent, from new/changing gov priorities to leadership changes to supporting new legislation to seasonal factors (e.g. parks, emergency response, wildfire)
Lots of detail shared around hiring and procuring nuances that I’ll need your help making sense of next week onwards
“and more”