Be aware of learning budget for the year: DTC tries to support between $500-1000 ish of learning costs per employee each fiscal. While it’s important to consider whether each opportunity is what you want to spend your funds on, this range is only an estimate and it’s likely worth putting in a request that costs more or even if you’ve already used funds for the year. You never know.
Be aware of timelines. Best practice is to submit a request at least 30 days beforehand, next best is up to 2 weeks beforehand, and anything less than that could be rejected because there wasn’t time to process the request.
Send an email to Justine Houchin outlining the course summary, how it’s relevant to your work, cost, and date/time or other logistics. This email needs to be a summary - think no more than 5 bullets. Attach a Training & Development form to your email, with the first section completed by you.