Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Test Case No

Test Description

Test Steps

Test Data

Expected Results

Actual Results


Reference Ticket(s)


Verify if member can access the Deployment & Availability page

Click on the Deployment & Availability tab

The page must have the following sections displayed:

  • Recommitment

  • My schedule

  • Section Preferences

  • Other skills


Verify if the recommitment section is displayed

Confirm your recommitment message, recommitment status and Start recommitment button must be displayed.

Message must only be displayed during the recommitment cycle


Verify if the My schedule section is displayed

Show Upcoming Deployment link must be displayed on right side.

6 months calendar must be displayed with the Available, unavailable and deployment schedule added into the calendar.

Each month’s date is clickable and Add Availability pop up must open.

Verify if the Upcoming Deployment link is clickable

Design link:

Panel slides in from the right side of the calendar when member clicks Show Upcoming Deployments.

Panel slides out of the calendar when member clicks Hide.

Slide-in Panel States:

Default State:
- Displays up to six upcoming deployments in ascending order.
- Each deployment listed show the deployment’s:
: start to end date
: task number
: affiliated CORE program

Empty State:
Displayed when they have not been assigned to any deployments by coordinators.

Verify if the Jump to Today link is displayed

The button must be clickable and current month’s view must be displayed if member is viewing any other set of months.

Verify if the right and arrow buttons along with the current date is displayed

The right arrow or left arrow can be clicked

A previous and next arrows must appear as a button.

Previous button must take member to previous months view. Eg: If having 3 months view, then on the click, previous 3 months from current month must be displayed.

Next button must take member to next months view. Eg: If having 3 months view, then on the click, next 3 months from current view must be displayed.



Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

Verify if member can change the number of months to be displayed in the scheduler

Month Range Dropdown Options:
1 month
3 months (default)
6 months

Verify if the scheduler calendar is displayed

“Today’s Date” symbol can appear with any availability status
Deployment and Standby states is view only for members
Members can set “unavailable” dates


Verify if the not valid dates such as Feb 29/leap year or April 31, June 31, Sep 31, Nov 31 are marked invalid



The listed dates must be blacked out and must not be available for member to add availability


Verify if all dates are available by default



For members who have never committed before or have not added any availability yet, all the dates for all months must be displayed as available.

For member: the dates should be white

For coordinator: the dates should be green

For logistics: the dates should be green

Verify if member can add their availability and unavailability to their scheduler

Click on a single date, OR
Drag to select a date range

When triggered, these pop-over modal should be hovered above the clicked dates on the calendar.

Members can add new availability status by setting selected date range as “available” (for deployment).

Members can add new availability status by setting selected date range as “Unavailable” (for deployment).

Members can change the dates from the calendar available in the pop-over modal

Member can click the Save button to save the availability or unavailability or click the Cancel button to cancel the changes

Verify if the added availability/unavailability is displayed on the calendar

Must be colour coded as per the status and displayed in the calendar

Verify if Members can edit or delete the available/ unavailable dates.

Click on the dates availability/unavailailbility is added

The pop-up modal used to add must open with pre filled details.

Save and Delete Availability button must appear at the bottom

Member must be able to edit the changes and save

Members must be able to delete the availability

Verify if members can view the availability added to their profiles by the coordinators/logistics

If the coordinators/logistics add any availability to the members profile, the members can only view it and not edit it.

The following status must be view only for members:

  • Deployment

  • Standby


Verify if the Section Preferences is displayed

The selected sections while submitting the form must be displayed.

For a form with program EMCR, EMCR section tab must be displayed and vice versa for BCWS.

For enrolment in both programs, both tabs must be displayed

Edit preference button must be clickable and add preference pop up must open

Verify if member can edit the Section Preference

Click the Edit Preference button

Edit preference pop up must open. The selected options while submitting the form must be pre-filled. Member must be able to add or make changes.

Updated changes must be saved by clicking the Save button and changes must be reflected on the profile.

If member clicks “Cancel” after making changes in the modal, the changes will NOT be saved.

For members in EMCR and both programs, the edit preference modal must have a additional link ‘See Section Definitions' which when clicked must display as following:


Verify if the Other skills section is displayed

Edit skills button must be displayed on the right

Details must be displayed in 3 tabs:

  • Languages

  • Tools & Software

  • Certifications

If there is no content in any of the tab, the text No Skills Shown, You have not indicated any skills here. must be displayed

  • The fields Certifications, Tools & Languages details will most likely be empty when viewing a member profile for EMCR that was created prior to this change

  • Any member who was a part of the BCWS program prior to this change should have data for these fields


Verify the empty state content for the Other skills section

Languages tab:

Following Tabs must be displayed.

  • Name

  • Profiency

  • Last Updated

If there is no content, the text No Skills Shown, You have not indicated any skills here. must be displayed

Tools & Software tab:

  • Name

  • Profiency

  • Last Updated

If there is no content, the text No Skills Shown, You have not indicated any skills here. must be displayed

Certifications tab:

  • Name

  • Date Certified

  • Expires On

If there is no content, the text No Skills Shown, You have not indicated any skills here. must be displayed

The correct table columns are not displayed. Message not displayed

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

Verify if member can edit the Other Skills

Click the Edit Skills button

Edit skills pop up must open. The selected options while submitting the form must be pre-filled if available. Member must be able to add or make changes.

Member must be able to delete the entered or prepopulated data by the delete button

Updated changes must be saved by clicking the Save button and changes must be reflected on the profile.

Test Scenario ID: TS_02

Test Scenario: Verify if the content in Profile Details tab is displayed
