Eddy P Piasentin (Muriel’s counterpartMuriel away)
Linda Shaw
Samuel Ramos
\uD83E\uDD45 Goals
Confirm MVP , and run through slide deck
\uD83D\uDDE3 Discussion topics
Agenda Item
General NotesCommunication Strategy:
MVP Discussion
Ensure we include provide the context of the MVP for the HAs (whether it is verbal/written). There Emphasize that there is flexibility throughout the agile process . This and that this is not the end-all and be-all. Emphasize that the agile approach will allow us to be flexible, etc. Communication Strategy: One of the problem’s with the last web tool was that it was on an old platform. Therefore, emphasize that this new tool is
Project Status
Reviewed Budget, quality, scope, schedule, milestones and risks.
Milestone identified as having sign-off on MVP by Jul 29.
Communication/Engagement Strategy
Emphasize that this new tool will be a modern, user-friendly tool, based on a modern user-friendly platform.
Really important to have the HAs' input (they didn’t have a say at all last time with the RKL tool)
Requirement Classification: Batch upload → CHEFS doesn’t offer any capabilities for this currently. Will have to explore further
Killian confirmed that once a submission is completed in CHEFS, no changes to the submission can be made.
Key Discussions
New Risk: Kerri’s thoughts: we have to be careful/sensitive with the contracted operators (200+ sites). Kerri needs to see an engagement plan/overall engagement strategy for this sector. This will be a highly contentious /sensitive communication piece - Show the benefits that the new tool will offer as far as improvements go.
Crucial to have the HAs' input and feedback.
Need to produce an engagement plan for this sector which may have to go to the Minister . We need to allow significant time for this (i.e., briefing note with deputy).
Communication Strategy: Make it clear the benefits that CHEFS offer.
Take the RKL and show the issues that have been identified and what the CHEFS tool is going to do as far as improvements go.
Agenda for tomorrowWe need to allow significant time for this.
Killian confirmed that once a submission is completed in CHEFS, no changes to the submission can be made.
Agenda for tomorrow’s LTC working group meeting: HAMIS folks will be there; Killian will do a run-through of CHEFS tool; 5 min for the end (pivot) July 27th - Kerri would like to have
Agenda for LTC WG - Jul 27
Review the final MVP as an agenda item for the HA working group mtg on July 27 and for HAs to so the HAs can share their input and provide sign-off on as well.
HAMIS demo session
Allow 5 min for pivoted approach to HA data collection standardization.
Communication Strategy CGI to make it clear to the HAs the benefits that CHEFS offer. Take the RKL and show the issues that have been identified and what the CHEFS tool is going to do as far as improvements go.