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🎇 New for 2025

CORE Dashboard Feature Enhancements

Beginning January 2025, there will be several new enhancements to the CORE dashboard for Coordinators, Members and Supervisors including:



The “Personnel” page now includes these additional features:

  • Labels to identify members who are

    , etc.

  • A filter system in the “Active” and “Inactive” tabs to help narrow down who has

    titlemissed recommitment
    titlenot returning
    for easier start-of-the-year staff planning.

  • A Member Status Guide that gathers definitions of various labels used throughout the dashboard.

The “Member Profile” page now includes these additional features:

  • A new tab layout that splits members' profiles into two tabs: Deployment & Availability and Profile Details.

  • A Recommitment Details section that tracks member’s recommitment statuses and reasons for declining recommitment.

  • A Restart Recommitment button to reactivate recommitment for members who missed the recommitment deadline.


CORE Members

CORE members now have the ability to access their own dashboard with the following features:

  • A built-in calendar for members to update their availability by themselves

  • Editable profile sections to edit their personal and other information.

  • A built-in recommitment modal to confirm or decline their recommitment to their CORE program(s).



A dedicated portal for members' supervisors to:

  • Track and identify current employees who are in BCWS and/or EMCR CORE Team

  • Approve or decline their employees' recommitment requests to CORE programs in a quick and easy manner.

Learn More

The new automated recommitment process

The infographics below depicts the new recommitment process that leverages automation enabled by the CORE dashboard.


Process flowchart of the automated recommitment process within the CORE system

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The high level process is as follows:

diagram.pngImage Removed


  • During recommitment time, CORE members will get an automated email to initiate the recommitment process.

  • Supervisors will also be notified when the recommitment period starts and will receive alerts about their employees' recommitment requests throughout this period.

  • Coordinators will be informed at the start of recommitment and monitor progress via the dashboard. Learn how

Cartoon characters made by YorKun Cheng


CORE Members who fail to respond, or whose supervisors do not approve their recommitment requests before the deadline, will be marked as 'inactive' with the label 'missed deadline'. Members will be notified of this change. Go to [SHORTCUT TO CHAPTER 3 PART I AND II] to learn how to reactivate their recommitment upon request.

🚀 Getting Started

titleUser Login

User Login

  1. Navigate to the CORE Team Application Portal.

    Image Removed
  2. On the landing page, click “Log In”.

  3. Enter your valid IDIR credentials.

  4. Click Continue or hit the ENTER key.


After successful login, you will be navigated to the Personnel page in the dashboard.

titleLogging Out

Logging Out

  1. Click on your user profile on the top right corner of the screen.

  2. Click “Logout”.

    Image Removed

🖥️ Anatomy of the CORE Team Dashboard

Quick Links:

  1. Personnel Page

    1. Search Filters

    2. Search Results Table

      titlenew features here!

  2. Member Profile

    1. Profile Banner

    2. Deployment & Availability tab

    3. Member Details tab

      titlenew features here!

titlePersonnel page

The Personnel Page

This is the first page that you will see upon logging into the application. The personnel page is typically the starting point for coordinators who want to search for deployable CORE members, or monitor pending applicant submissions for approval. To perform these tasks, the page consists of two main functionalities: 1) Search filters to help narrow down your search; and 2) Search results display (see visuals below).

Search Filters

titleSearch Filter display and annotations

For specific Instructions on how to use the more complex filters (i.e., the “Home Region/Location” and “Availability/Date Range” filter), as well as how to read the search results table with the availability filter applied, please see Finding Members to Deploy.

Search Filters-EMCR.pngImage Removed

Search Results Table

titleSearch results table annotations

To learn how to approve a pending applicant and track their document submissions from the personnel page, please go to Reviewing and Approving Applicants in Chapter 3.

image-20250106-025525.pngImage Removed

Member Status Guide Pop-up Window

image-20250106-024939.pngImage Removed

Member Status (Search results tab) Definitions

  • Active: Refers to members who are currently active in the CORE program and are readily deployable.

  • Inactive: Refers to members who are no longer active in the program due to various reasons (e.g maternity leave, hiatus from program, etc.). They are unavailable for deployments during the year.

  • Pending Approval: Refers to applicants who have submitted their intake form, but have not yet been approved into the program as a CORE member.

titleIndividual Tab Displays

“Active” Tab: Table columns

image-20250106-025706.pngImage Removed

“Inactive” Tab: Filter details

image-20250106-030541.pngImage Removed

“Pending Approval” Tab: Column definitions

Search Results - Pending-EMCR.pngImage Removed


titleMember Profile

Member Profile


Page Overview:

The overarching profile banner displays the member’s (or applicant’s) name, member status for the current year (active/inactive/pending approval), the last time they have been deployed, etc.

Note that the new member profile page has separated the member’s information into two tabs for better organization of information:

  1. The Deployment & Availability tab (see left image below) consists of:

    1. Member’s schedule (availability)

    2. Sections & Experience Levels

    3. Notes

  2. The Member Details tab (see right image below) consists of:

    1. Recommitment Details

      - this is a non-editable section used to display a member’s recommitment related details (i.e., status, progress etc.) for the upcoming year. Learn More

    2. Member Details (General, Contact and Organizational info)

    3. (for CORE applicants only) Applicant Details

image-20250106-034127.pngImage Removedimage-20250106-034140.pngImage Removed

Profile Banner

titleBanner Display with annotations
image-20250106-033600.pngImage Removed

Deployment & Availability Tab: sections

titleMember's Schedule (Availability)
image-20250106-040718.pngImage Removed

Members are now able to update their own availability in their dashboard. Changes they have made on the member dashboard will also be reflected here in the scheduler for you immediately.

titleSections & Experience Levels
image-20250106-040938.pngImage Removed

Quick Tips:

  • You can see the top three most preferred sections ranked by the member.

  • The member dashboard allows members to add or remove sections they are interested in. However, only coordinators can edit the experience levels for each section as members accumulate deployment experiences.

Profile sections-Notes.pngImage Removed

Quick Tips:

  • Only other coordinators can see what you have written under “Coordinator Notes”.

Member Details Tab: sections

titleRecommitment Details
image-20250106-035439.pngImage Removed Info

Quick Tips:

  • When a member or their supervisor has declined their recommitment, you are able to see their reason for declining in this section.

  • You can see the supervisor’s government email (IDIR) link to the member’s recommitment modal.

Possible recommitment statuses and what they mean:

  • Status
    - Member has not yet completed their recommitment in their dashboard.

  • Status
    - Member is officially recommitted with supervisor approval for the upcoming year.

  • Status
    titledeclined by member
    - Member has declined their own recommitment and will not be returning for the upcoming year. You are able to see their reason for declining.

  • Status
    titledeclined by supervisor
    - Member’s supervisor has declined their recommitment request. You are able to see their reason for declining.

  • Status
    titlemissed deadline
    - Displayed after the recommitment period ends, if member did not take any action, or their supervisor did not approve before the recommitment deadline.

titleMember Details
image-20250106-075957.pngImage Removed


Quick Tips:

  • Members can now edit their details directly in their member dashboards. Any changes they make will be reflected here for you.

titleWhat an applicant profile looks like

While the applicant profile has the same number of sections (minus the recommitment details) as the member profile, it also includes additional components, such as the pending applicant information banner and the individual intake requirement status under Applicant Details, to help EMCR coordinators keep track of other applicant requirements for approval. To see how to approve an applicant to become a EMCR member, please see Reviewing and Approving Applicants in Chapter 3.

Applicant profile-banner-emcr.pngImage Removed

👩‍💻 What Coordinators can do in CORE Team

What you can find in this section:

  1. Monitoring members' recommitment using search results table filters


  2. Reactivating Recommitment for Members Who Missed the Deadline


  3. Reviewing and approving applicants into EMCR

  4. Searching for active members for deployment

  5. Scheduling a member for deployment and updating their availability

  6. Updating member/applicant’s profile information


Enjoy using enhanced, automated features in CORE Team!

With the new member dashboard and supervisor portal, most tasks during the recommitment period are automated - you only need to monitor progress and watch the number of returning members increase. Furthermore, members can also update their own information in their member dashboard, so you don't need to handle updates manually. Your main responsibility is maintaining your list of EMCR members and managing those who missed the recommitment deadline, which is still very easy to manage!

titleMonitoring members' recommitment using search results table filters (NEW!)

How can I track the number of members who have recommitted over time on the personnel page?

During the recommitment period, reminders will be sent to active members to prompt them to complete their recommitment process. The labels in the search results table allow you to track members' recommitment status during this time. You may also leverage the filter under the “Active” tab for early staff planning before the new year starts in CORE.

Monitoring Recommitment in the “Active” tab

  1. Use search filters on the top of the personnel page to narrow the search results to members in your region only.

    image-20250106-062551.pngImage Removed
  2. During the recommitment period, if an active member has confirmed their return to CORE with supervisor approval for the upcoming year, you will see the “recommitted” label appear next to their name.

    image-20250106-062724.pngImage Removed
  3. To narrow the list down to only members with the “recommitted” label, in the “Active” tab, click the dropdown filter on the left, and selected “recommitted”.

    image-20250106-062433.pngImage Removed
  4. The search results will now only show members who are recommitted for the upcoming year.

    image-20250106-063536.pngImage Removed

Note that the “recommitted” label is a temporary label that will appear each year during the recommitment period. Once this period ends, this label will disappear.

titleReactivating Recommitment for Members Who Missed the Deadline (NEW!)

My member missed the deadline to recommit to EMCR. What should I do?

Using the “Inactive” tab to track members who declined or missed recommitment

  1. Use search filters on the top of the personnel page to narrow the search results to members in your region only.

    image-20250106-062551.pngImage Removed

  2. In the search results, click open the “Inactive” tab.

    image-20250106-080540.pngImage Removed

  3. In the table, you can see which member has declined their recommitment for the upcoming year and those who missed their recommitment deadline based on their labels.

    image-20250106-070236.pngImage Removed

Re-initiating recommitment for members who missed the recommitment deadline


Re-initiating recommitment for members beyond the recommitment period is done upon members' request.

If a CORE member does not take any action towards their recommitment, or if their supervisor fails to give approval before the deadline, their status will automatically change to "inactive" with the label "missed deadline" by the end of the recommitment period.

  • This member will also be notified of this change via this email:

    1. If they still wish to return to CORE, they will reach out to you to reactivate their recommitment.

      image-20250106-070719.pngImage Removed

  • To reactivate the member’s recommitment as requested:

    1. In the personnel page, make sure the “inactive” tab is opened.

    2. quickly search for the member’s name in the search bar.

      image-20250106-070835.pngImage Removed

  • Click the member’s name in the search results table to go to their member profile.

    image-20250106-071106.pngImage Removed

  • In the member profile, click “restart recommitment”.

    image-20250106-071401.pngImage Removed

  • This will trigger an email to the member, which will include recommitment instructions, a new link that restarts their recommitment process, and a new recommitment deadline.

    image-20250106-071506.pngImage Removed
    Table of Contents

    🎇 New for 2025

    CORE Dashboard Feature Enhancements

    Beginning January 2025, there will be several new enhancements to the CORE dashboard for Coordinators, Members and Supervisors including:



    The “Personnel” page now includes these additional features:

    • Labels to identify members who are

      , etc.

    • A filter system in the “Active” and “Inactive” tabs to help narrow down who has

      titlemissed recommitment
      titlenot returning
      for easier start-of-the-year staff planning.

    • A Member Status Guide that gathers definitions of various labels used throughout the dashboard.

    The “Member Profile” page now includes these additional features:

    • A new tab layout that splits members' profiles into two tabs: Deployment & Availability and Profile Details.

    • A Recommitment Details section that tracks member’s recommitment statuses and reasons for declining recommitment.


    CORE Members

    CORE members now have the ability to access their own dashboard with the following features:

    • A built-in calendar for members to update their availability by themselves

    • Editable profile sections to edit their personal and other information.

    • A built-in recommitment modal to confirm or decline their recommitment to their CORE program(s).

    Learn More



    A dedicated portal for members' supervisors to:

    • Track and identify current employees who are in BCWS and/or EMCR CORE Team

    • Approve or decline their employees' recommitment requests to CORE programs in a quick and easy manner.

    Learn More

    The new automated recommitment process

    The infographics below depicts the new recommitment process that leverages automation enabled by the CORE dashboard.


    Process flowchart of the automated recommitment process within the CORE system

    image-20250106-154139.pngImage Added

    The high level process is as follows:

    image-20250107-164436.pngImage Added


    • During recommitment time, CORE members will get an automated email to initiate the recommitment process.

    • Supervisors will also be notified when the recommitment period starts and will receive alerts about their employees' recommitment requests throughout this period.

    • Coordinators will be informed at the start of recommitment and monitor progress via the dashboard. Learn how

    Cartoon characters made by YorKun Cheng


    CORE Members who fail to respond, or whose supervisors do not approve their recommitment requests before the deadline, will be marked as 'inactive' with the label 'missed deadline'. Members will be notified of this change.


    Supervisor Portal FAQ:

    Image Added

    The screenshot on the left shows the expanded FAQ section that supervisors can access on the top of their supervisor portal Home page.

    🚀 Getting Started

    titleUser Login

    User Login

    1. Navigate to the CORE Team Application Portal.

      Image Added
    2. On the landing page, click “Log In”.

    3. Enter your valid IDIR credentials.

    4. Click Continue or hit the ENTER key.


    After successful login, you will be navigated to the Personnel page in the dashboard.

    titleLogging Out

    Logging Out

    1. Click on your user profile on the top right corner of the screen.

    2. Click “Logout”.

      Image Added

    🖥️ Anatomy of the CORE Team Dashboard

    Quick Links:

    1. Personnel Page

      1. Search Filters

      2. Search Results Table

        titlenew features here!

    2. Member Profile

      1. Profile Banner

      2. Deployment & Availability tab

      3. Member Details tab

        titlenew features here!

    titlePersonnel page

    The Personnel Page

    This is the first page that you will see upon logging into the application. The personnel page is typically the starting point for coordinators who want to search for deployable CORE members, or monitor pending applicant submissions for approval. To perform these tasks, the page consists of two main functionalities: 1) Search filters to help narrow down your search; and 2) Search results display (see visuals below).

    Search Filters

    titleSearch Filter display and annotations

    For specific Instructions on how to use the more complex filters (i.e., the “Home Region/Location” and “Availability/Date Range” filter), as well as how to read the search results table with the availability filter applied, please see Finding Members to Deploy.

    Search Filters-EMCR.pngImage Added

    Search Results Table

    titleSearch results table annotations

    To learn how to approve a pending applicant and track their document submissions from the personnel page, please go to Reviewing and Approving Applicants in Chapter 3.

    image-20250106-025525.pngImage Added

    Member Status Guide Pop-up Window

    image-20250106-024939.pngImage Added

    Member Status (Search results tab) Definitions

    • Active: Refers to members who are currently active in the CORE program and are readily deployable.

    • Inactive: Refers to members who are no longer active in the program due to various reasons (e.g maternity leave, hiatus from program, etc.). They are unavailable for deployments during the year.

    • Pending Approval: Refers to applicants who have submitted their intake form, but have not yet been approved into the program as a CORE member.

    titleIndividual Tab Displays

    “Active” Tab: Table columns

    image-20250106-025706.pngImage Added

    “Inactive” Tab: Filter details

    image-20250106-030541.pngImage Added

    “Pending Approval” Tab: Column definitions

    Search Results - Pending-EMCR.pngImage Added

    titleMember Profile

    Member Profile


    Page Overview:

    The overarching profile banner displays the member’s (or applicant’s) name, member status for the current year (active/inactive/pending approval), the last time they have been deployed, etc.

    Note that the new member profile page has separated the member’s information into two tabs for better organization of information:

    1. The Deployment & Availability tab (see left image below) consists of:

      1. Member’s schedule (availability)

      2. Sections & Experience Levels

      3. Notes

    2. The Member Details tab (see right image below) consists of:

      1. Recommitment Details

        - this is a non-editable section used to display a member’s recommitment related details (i.e., status, progress etc.) for the upcoming year. Learn More

      2. Member Details (General, Contact and Organizational info)

      3. (for CORE applicants only) Applicant Details

    image-20250106-034127.pngImage Addedimage-20250106-034140.pngImage Added

    Profile Banner

    titleBanner Display with annotations
    image-20250106-033600.pngImage Added

    Deployment & Availability Tab: sections

    titleMember's Schedule (Availability)
    image-20250106-040718.pngImage Added

    Members are now able to update their own availability in their dashboard. Changes they have made on the member dashboard will also be reflected here in the scheduler for you immediately.

    titleSections & Experience Levels
    image-20250106-040938.pngImage Added

    Quick Tips:

    • You can see the top three most preferred sections ranked by the member.

    • The member dashboard allows members to add or remove sections they are interested in. However, only coordinators can edit the experience levels for each section as members accumulate deployment experiences.

    Profile sections-Notes.pngImage Added

    Quick Tips:

    • Only other coordinators can see what you have written under “Coordinator Notes”.

    Member Details Tab: sections

    titleRecommitment Details
    image-20250106-035439.pngImage Added

    Quick Tips:

    • When a member or their supervisor has declined their recommitment, you are able to see their reason for declining in this section.

    • You can see the supervisor’s government email (IDIR) link to the member’s recommitment modal.

    Possible recommitment statuses and what they mean:

    • Status
      - Member has not yet completed their recommitment in their dashboard.

    • Status
      - Member is officially recommitted with supervisor approval for the upcoming year.

    • Status
      titledeclined by member
      - Member has declined their own recommitment and will not be returning for the upcoming year. You are able to see their reason for declining.

    • Status
      titledeclined by supervisor
      - Member’s supervisor has declined their recommitment request. You are able to see their reason for declining.

    • Status
      titlemissed deadline
      - Displayed after the recommitment period ends, if member did not take any action, or their supervisor did not approve before the recommitment deadline.

    titleMember Details
    image-20250106-075957.pngImage Added


    Quick Tips:

    • Members can now edit their details directly in their member dashboards. Any changes they make will be reflected here for you.

    titleWhat an applicant profile looks like

    While the applicant profile has the same number of sections (minus the recommitment details) as the member profile, it also includes additional components, such as the pending applicant information banner and the individual intake requirement status under Applicant Details, to help EMCR coordinators keep track of other applicant requirements for approval. To see how to approve an applicant to become a EMCR member, please see Reviewing and Approving Applicants in Chapter 3.

    Applicant profile-banner-emcr.pngImage Added

    👩‍💻 What Coordinators can do in CORE Team


    Enjoy using enhanced, automated features in CORE Team!

    With the new member dashboard and supervisor portal, most tasks during the recommitment period are automated - you only need to monitor progress and watch the number of returning members increase. Furthermore, members can also update their own information in their member dashboard, so you don't need to handle updates manually. Your main responsibility is maintaining your list of EMCR members and managing those who missed the recommitment deadline, which is still very easy to manage!

    titleMonitoring members' recommitment using search results table filters (NEW!)

    How can I track the number of members who have recommitted over time on the personnel page?

    During the recommitment period, reminders will be sent to active members to prompt them to complete their recommitment process. The labels in the search results table allow you to track members' recommitment status during this time. You may also leverage the filter under the “Active” tab for early staff planning before the new year starts in CORE.

    Monitoring Recommitment in the “Active” tab

    1. Use search filters on the top of the personnel page to narrow the search results to members in your region only.

      image-20250106-062551.pngImage Added
    2. During the recommitment period, if an active member has confirmed their return to CORE with supervisor approval for the upcoming year, you will see the “recommitted” label appear next to their name.

      image-20250106-062724.pngImage Added
    3. To narrow the list down to only members with the “recommitted” label, in the “Active” tab, click the dropdown filter on the left, and selected “recommitted”.

      image-20250106-062433.pngImage Added
    4. The search results will now only show members who are recommitted for the upcoming year.

      image-20250106-063536.pngImage Added

    Note that the “recommitted” label is a temporary label that will appear each year during the recommitment period. Once this period ends, this label will disappear.

    titleReviewing and Approving Applicants into EMCR

    How do I approve applicants into EMCR?

    1. View “Pending Approval” List: On the Personnel page, scroll down to the search results table and switch to the “Pending Approval” tab.

      review step 1 - emcr.png
    2. Review Requirements Status: Review the submission status for “ICS Training” and “Supervisor Approval”. Make sure to cross-check these items with applicant names in your regional email inbox to confirm submission.

      review step 2.png
    3. Go to Applicant Profile: Once you have made sure that you have received the intake requirement(s) from the applicant, click on the applicant’s name in the search results to proceed to their applicant profile.

      review step 3-emcr.png
    4. Click the “Edit” button on the top right corner of the Member Details section.

      review step 4-emcr.png
    5. Update Intake Requirements Status: Under “Intake Requirements”, change the status for the received items (i.e., Supervisor Approval, ICS Training) in their respective dropdown fields.

      1. Open the dropdown field(s).

      2. Select “Received” for Supervisor Approval, and/or “Completed” for ICS Training.

      3. Click “Save”.

        review step 5.png
    6. Complete Review: On the “Pending Applicant Information Alert” banner, the list of item statuses will be updated.

      1. Click “Approve as Member” on the right side of the banner. (This button will only appear when all requirements are marked as “Received”/”Completed”)

      2. Click “Confirm” again in the confirmation pop-up.

        review step 6-emcr.png
    7. The applicant is now approved into the program as a EMCR member. You can now schedule them for deployment, update their information, if needed, or change their status to “inactive”.


    Once you approve an applicant as a member, you cannot undo this action. Additionally, you will no longer be able to see the intake requirement status “ICS Training” under the “Member Details” section.

    titleSearching for active members for deployment

    How do I search for active members for a deployment?

    Search filters: “Region/Home Location”

    There are two main ways to go about using the Region/Home Location filter. The first one is using it to find people who reside in a select area (region/home location). When choosing an option from this dropdown menu, you can either:

    1. Select one or more regions only.

    1. Select one or more regions, and then refining the search to include specific home locations within those regions.

    1. Directly select one or more home locations without selecting a region.

    This filter automatically refines the search results to members who reside the selected region(s) and/or home location(s).

    Potential scenarios that may require search by home location:

    • You are a regional coordinator in the Northeast region, who needs to look for any available members who currently reside in Fort Nelson (NEA)

    • You are a regional coordinator in the Northeast region, who needs to monitor and update pending application information of applicants from Fort Nelson (NEA).

    Search filters: Travel Preference

    The second way is to use the Region/Home Location filter to search for members who are able to travel to a specific area. In this case, the fire centre or location that is selected refers to the area that you want to deploy the member to, instead of where people are coming from. To do this, you must:

    1. Select a location;

    2. Simply check the box that says “Show members willing to travel to the selected location(s)”.

    The search results will automatically refresh, showing all members who are willing to travel to the selected area, regardless of where they live in the province.

    Potential scenarios that may require search by willingness to travel:

    • You are a regional coordinator in the NEA, and you need to find any active members across BC who are abled to be deployed to an incident happening in 100 Mile House.

    Search filters: “Availability/Date Range”

    1. Select a status from the “Availability” dropdown.

      review step 7.png
    2. Open “Availability Date Range” and click on a start and end date on the date picker. This will set the date range for the availability status selected in step 1.

      availability - step 2.png
    3. In this example, the search results will be automatically refreshed to just members who are available any day(s) between June 10-17, 2024.

      1. “Available”: indicates that the member is available every day between June 10th and June 17th.

      2. “Available x of x days”: indicates that the member is only available for certain days out of the total number of days in the selected date range.

        availability - step 4-emcr.png

    Practice navigating the dashboard with the following scenario:

    You are a coordinator in the Vancouver Island Coastal (VIC) region. You need to deploy a member who meets the following requirements:

    1. Lives in or near Nanaimo;

    2. Is interested or experienced in Recovery;

    3. Is available for deployment for at least 3 consecutive days between June 13-20, 2024.

    Reviewing deployable member’s profile information

    Once you have found a suitable member, you can browse deeper in their profile to further assess their deployment readiness. Some actions you can do with the member profile:

    1. Using the organization info displayed under “Member Details”, you can contact the member’s supervisor to confirm the member’s participation for an upcoming deployment.

      review info-emcr.png
    2. You can also save important notes about the member in the Notes section to inform other coordinators.

      notes - emcr.png

    titleScheduling deployment and updating member's availability

    How do I scheduling deployments for a member, or update their availability for them?

    Adding an Availability

    1. On the member’s profile, you can update the scheduler by either clicking “Update Availability” on the top right corner of the section, or select a date block directly on the calendar.

      scheduler-step 1.png
    2. Add a new availability in the pop-up modal.

      1. Select a start and end date for the availability date range. You can do this by clicking on the date picker or entering a valid date in the date fields.

      2. Click on one of the three statuses for the selected date range.

      3. If you are setting up a deployment, you can enter a valid Task/Resource Request number.

      4. Once you have added all the required details, click “Save”.

        scheduler-step 2.png
    3. You will see the selected date range and availability status highlighted in the member’s schedule.

    4. If you want to edit or delete an existing availability on the calendar, simply click on the date range on the member’s schedule and make changes in the Edit Availability Modal.


    Note that you can now also see all BCWS deployments in the same calendar, if a member is enrolled in both EMCR and BCWS.

    titleUpdating member/applicant's profile information

    How do I edit profile sections for a member?

    If you want to update any information under “Member Details”, “Functions & Experience Levels”, simply click on the “Edit” button on the top right corner of each section.

    Updating Member Details

    Please see step 5 of Reviewing and Approving Applicants. The process for accessing the "Edit Member Details" modal is the same as for editing applicant details.

    Editing Functions & Experience Levels

    1. To update a member’s experience level for a specific function:

      1. Click “Edit” on the top right corner of the “Functions & Experience Levels” section.

      2. Open the “Experience” dropdown menu next to the function that you want to update.

      3. Select the appropriate experience level for that function in the dropdown menu.

      4. Once you have made all the updates, click save.

        edit roles-emcr.png

    Add Notes

    See Step 4 of Finding Members to Deploy.


    Regarding access levels in notes:

    Please be aware that although coordinators can view and edit information under both “Notes” and “Coordinator Notes,” logistic users cannot see what’s saved under “Coordinator Notes.” Please keep this distinction in mind when adding information to a member’s profile.