Ticket: - TC-800Getting issue details... STATUS
Test Case No | Test Description | Test Steps | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | Status | Reference Ticket(s) |
TC_01 | Verify if member can access the profile page | For members only, the profile page must be the default page. For member + other roles, my profile tab can be accessed via the top right menu. | Profile page must display all the details filled out by the member while submitting the form, details are distributed in 3 tabs:
| ||||
TC_02 | Verify if member can switch through the tabs | All the 3 tabs can be clickable. | All the 3 tabs must display their respective content when clicked. Deployment & Availability tab must be the default tab. |
Test Scenario ID: TS_01
Test Scenario: Verify if the content in deployment and availability tab is displayed
Prerequisites: Member must have a form submitted for either of the programs(EMCR, BCWS or Both)
Figma designs: https://www.figma.com/design/3cBb24JJG10LoUlY8v3FPA/Member-Agency?node-id=1631-148833&p=f&t=nJJFPgQUMy48KaD7-0
Test Case No | Test Description | Test Steps | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | Status | Reference Ticket(s) |
TC_03 | Verify if member can access the Deployment & Availability page | Click on the Deployment & Availability tab | The page must have the following sections displayed:
| ||||
TC_04 | Verify if the recommitment section is displayed | Confirm your recommitment message, recommitment status and Start recommitment button must be displayed | |||||
TC_05 | Verify if the My schedule section is displayed | Show Upcoming Deployment link must be displayed on right side. 6 months calendar must be displayed with the Available, unavailable and deployment schedule added into the calendar. Each month’s date is clickable and Add Availability pop up must open. | |||||
TC_06 | Verify if the Section Preferences is displayed | The selected sections while submitting the form must be displayed. For a form with program EMCR, EMCR section tab must be displayed and vice versa for BCWS. For enrolment in both programs, both tabs must be displayed Edit preference button must be clickable and add preference pop up must open | |||||
TC_07 | Verify if the Other skills section is displayed | Edit skills button must be displayed on the right Details must be displayed in 3 tabs:
Test Scenario ID: TS_02
Test Scenario: Verify if the content in Profile Details tab is displayed
Prerequisites: Member must have a form submitted for either of the programs(EMCR, BCWS or Both)
Figma designs: https://www.figma.com/design/3cBb24JJG10LoUlY8v3FPA/Member-Agency?node-id=1664-149914&t=nJJFPgQUMy48KaD7-0
Test Case No | Test Description | Test Steps | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | Status | Reference Ticket(s) |
TC_08 | Verify if member can access the Profile Details page | The page must have the following sections displayed:
| ||
TC_09 | Verify if the recommitment section is displayed |
| |||
TC_10 | Verify if the General Information section is displayed |
| |||
TC_11 | Verify if the Employee Information is displayed |
| |||
TC_12 | Verify if the Contact Information section is displayed |
| |||
TC_13 | Verify if the Emergency Contact Information section is displayed |
| |||
TC_14 | Verify if the Core Membership Status section is displayed |
Ticket: - TC-813Getting issue details... STATUS
Test Scenario ID: TS_01
Test Scenario: Verify the section and roles for members with EMCR program only
Prerequisites: Member must have a form submitted for the EMCR only program
Test Case No | Test Description | Test Steps | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | Status | Reference Ticket(s) |
TC_01 | Verify if member can access the profile page | For members only, the profile page must be the default page. For member + other roles, my profile tab can be accessed via the top right menu. | Profile page must display all the details filled out by the member while submitting the EMCR form, details are distributed in 3 tabs:
| ||||
TC_02 | Verify if the Section Preferences section is displayed | Member can click on the Deployment & Availability tab and scroll to the bottom below the my schedule section | The section preference must be displayed | ||||
TC_03 | Verify the title and sub text | Title: Section Preferences Subtext: The following shows the list of sections that you prefer to be deployed in, as indicated in your CORE application. You can add or remove a section from this table. | |||||
TC_04 | Verify if the sections are displayed | The sections must be displayed in a tabular format with the column title: Section Name | |||||
TC_05 | Verify if the Add Preference button is displayed | Add Preferences button must be displayed on the right hand side of the sub text | |||||
TC_06 | Verify if the Remove button is displayed | Remove button must be displayed besides each section |
Test Scenario ID: TS_02
Test Scenario: Verify the section and roles for members with BCWS program only
Prerequisites: Member must have a form submitted for the BCWS only program
Test Case No | Test Description | Test Steps | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | Status | Reference Ticket(s) |
TC_07 | Verify if member can access the profile page | For members only, the profile page must be the default page. For member + other roles, my profile tab can be accessed via the top right menu. | Profile page must display all the details filled out by the member while submitting the EMCR form, details are distributed in 3 tabs:
| ||||
TC_08 | Verify if the Section Preferences section is displayed | Member can click on the Deployment & Availability tab and scroll to the bottom below the my schedule section | The section preference must be displayed | ||||
TC_09 | Verify the title and sub text | Title: Section Preferences Subtext: The following shows the list of sections that you prefer to be deployed in, as indicated in your CORE application. You can add or remove a section from this table. | |||||
TC_10 | Verify if the sections are displayed | The sections must be displayed in a tabular format with the column title: Section Name | |||||
TC_11 | Verify if the roles are displayed | The selected roles for each section must be displayed. The following cases can be true for roles and sections:
Roles must be displayed in the roles column adjacent to their respective sections | |||||
TC_12 | Verify if the 1st and 2nd selected choices are displayed | The selected 1st and 2nd sections must be tagged as 1st choice and 2nd choice on the right side of the section name. The sections must be displayed in descending order, top priority first. Non priority sections must be displayed at the bottom of the 2nd priority section | 2nd priority displayed first | FAIL | |||
TC_13 | Verify if the Add Preference button is displayed | Add Preferences button must be displayed on the right hand side of the sub text | |||||
TC_14 | Verify if the Remove button is displayed | Remove button must be displayed besides each section |
Test Scenario ID: TS_03
Test Scenario: Verify the section and roles for members enrolled in Both programs
Prerequisites: Member must have a form submitted by choosing the both option for program
Test Case No | Test Description | Test Steps | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | Status | Reference Ticket(s) |
TC_15 | Verify if member can view 2 tabs | In the section preferences, 2 tabs must be displayed: BCWS and EMCR. Member must be able to toggle between both tabs easily. Each tab must display their respective content | |||||
TC_16 | Verify the BCWS tab | All the test cases TC_01 to TC_06 must be true | |||||
TC_17 | Verify the EMCR tab | All the test cases TC_07 to TC_14 must be true |