🎇 New for 2025
CORE Dashboard Feature Enhancements
Beginning January 2025, there will be several new enhancements to the CORE dashboard for Coordinators, Members and Supervisors including:
The “Personnel” page now includes these additional features:
Labels to identify members who are RECOMMITTED, etc.
A filter system in the “Active” and “Inactive” tabs to help narrow down who has RECOMMITTED, MISSED RECOMMITMENT or NOT RETURNINGfor easier start-of-the-year staff planning.
A Member Status Guide that gathers definitions of various labels used throughout the dashboard.
The “Member Profile” page now includes these additional features:
A new tab layout that splits members' profiles into two tabs: Deployment & Availability and Profile Details.
A Recommitment Details section that tracks member’s recommitment statuses and reasons for declining recommitment.
A Restart Recommitment button to reactivate recommitment for members who missed the recommitment deadline.
CORE Members
CORE members now have the ability to access their own dashboard with the following features:
A built-in calendar for members to update their availability by themselves
Editable profile sections to edit their personal and other information.
A built-in recommitment modal to confirm or decline their recommitment to their CORE program(s).
A dedicated portal for members' supervisors to:
Track and identify current employees who are in BCWS and/or EMCR CORE Team
Approve or decline their employees' recommitment requests to CORE programs in a quick and easy manner.
The new automated recommitment process
The infographics below depicts the new recommitment process that leverages automation enabled by the CORE dashboard.
Process flowchart of the automated recommitment process within the CORE system
The high level process is as follows:
During recommitment time, CORE members will get an automated email to initiate the recommitment process.
Supervisors will also be notified when the recommitment period starts and will receive alerts about their employees' recommitment requests throughout this period.
Coordinators will be informed at the start of recommitment and monitor progress via the dashboard. Learn how
Cartoon characters made by YorKun Cheng
CORE Members who fail to respond, or whose supervisors do not approve their recommitment requests before the deadline, will be marked as 'inactive' with the label 'missed deadline'. Members will be notified of this change. Learn how to reactivate recommitment upon member’s request.
🚀 Getting Started
🖥️ Anatomy of the CORE Team Dashboard
Quick Links:
Search Results Table NEW FEATURES HERE!
Member Details tab NEW FEATURES HERE!
👩💻 What Coordinators can do in CORE Team
Enjoy using enhanced, automated features in CORE Team!
With the new member dashboard and supervisor portal, most tasks during the recommitment period are automated - you only need to monitor progress and watch the number of returning members increase. Furthermore, members can also update their own information in their member dashboard, so you don't need to handle updates manually. Your main responsibility is maintaining your list of EMCR members and managing those who missed the recommitment deadline, which is still very easy to manage!