#42: (Reviewer) Ability to track submissions for a group of assignees for a given form
Feature Story Description:
Ability to track submissions for a group of assignees for a given form based on a date range.
Tracking = ability to track how many HAs/operators haven’t started the submissions
either HA reviewer or MOH reviewer
Business Rationale:
The operators will submit their forms on a quarterly basis. When a reporting period starts, the HAs will need to track the submissions to identify the operators that they need to follow-up with and push.
Example of use case:
Beginning of reporting period for Q1 starts on July 1st. The reporting period will end on August 15th.
HAs will need to start tracking submissions and be able to identify the following:
Who hasn’t started their submission yet ← This is the part that is currently not possible to track as a form cannot be assigned to a specific group of people. It should be the case.
Who has started a draft but not submitted it
Who has submitted
Who is revising their submission
Who has completed their submission
Priority (MoSCoW): Must Have
[List potential dependencies with other User Stories or Tasks]
# | Task or User Story | Type of Dependency |
14 | Parent | |
Technical Details:
OOTB feature.
Acceptance Criteria:
[List the Acceptance Criteria]
# | Description | Notes |
1 | Statuses will have to be defined (i.e. the statuses that come before and after “Draft”). |
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3 |
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Provide high fidelity prototype or mockup
Out of Scope:
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