#42: (Reviewer) Ability to track submissions for a group of assignees for a given form

#42: (Reviewer) Ability to track submissions for a group of assignees for a given form


Feature Story Description:

Ability to track submissions for a group of assignees for a given form based on a date range.

Tracking = ability to track how many HAs/operators haven’t started the submissions

either HA reviewer or MOH reviewer

Business Rationale:

The operators will submit their forms on a quarterly basis. When a reporting period starts, the HAs will need to track the submissions to identify the operators that they need to follow-up with and push.

Example of use case:

  • Beginning of reporting period for Q1 starts on July 1st. The reporting period will end on August 15th.

  • HAs will need to start tracking submissions and be able to identify the following:

    • Who hasn’t started their submission yet ← This is the part that is currently not possible to track as a form cannot be assigned to a specific group of people. It should be the case.

    • Who has started a draft but not submitted it

    • Who has submitted

    • Who is revising their submission

    • Who has completed their submission

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Priority (MoSCoW): Must Have


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[List potential dependencies with other User Stories or Tasks]


Task or User Story

Type of Dependency


#14: (Reviewer) Subscribe to a Form











Technical Details:

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OOTB feature.

Acceptance Criteria:

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[List the Acceptance Criteria]





 Statuses will have to be defined (i.e. the statuses that come before and after “Draft”).















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Provide high fidelity prototype or mockup

Out of Scope:

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