#61: (Submitter) Ensure calculated fields are not overridden when exporting to excel
#61: (Submitter) Ensure calculated fields are not overridden when exporting to excel
User Story Description:
As a Submitter, ensure the fields / columns are protected in excel.
Would be decided at the form design level (not bound to a particular user role)
Click “don’t override”… @Miranda Stewart to confirm w/ @Wagner Montes
When extracting data, ensure the calculations are not lost.
Business Rationale:
Prioority: Must have
[List potential dependencies with other User Stories or Tasks]
# | Task or User Story | Type of Dependency |
7 | Parent | |
Technical Details:
Acceptance Criteria:
[List the Acceptance Criteria]
# | Description | Notes |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Provide high fidelity prototype or mockup
Out of Scope:
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