FORMS-211: (Designer) File submission template to be generated automatically

FORMS-211: (Designer) File submission template to be generated automatically


User Story description:

As a Form Designer (i.e., Health Authority user), I would like to the file submission template to be generated automatically based on the latest published version of a form.

This Story focuses on the bulk submission feature only:

  • The file submission template should be a .csv file containing all the columns that a submitter should be inputting as part of the submission.

  • This template should be automatically generated based on the form design and should include all the enabled input fields.

  • The column headers should be the labels of the fields

Business Rationale:

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Currently, Health Authorities gather data from multiple facilities/operators to then submit this data to the Ministry of Health.

It is important for the Health Authorities to gather this data first as it feeds their own system. The current issue is that the HAs have no easy way to submit the data to the Ministry of Health. They can only do so through time consuming and painful manual form entries. As a solution they would like to have the ability to make batch submissions through a file upload functionality.


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[List potential dependencies with other User Stories or Tasks]


Task or User Story

Type of Dependency


FORMS-208: (Admin) Allow File Submissions for Forms









Technical Details:

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Acceptance Criteria:

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[List the Acceptance Criteria]





When the form version is published, the backend creates a new template .Csv with a header line and stores that template in the DB.

The new template should override the previous one.

This is Option B


When the submitter tries to download the template, we generate it on the fly, based on the latest published version of the form

This is Option A. (This adds a dependency to the creation of the download screen first)


The header contains all the expected fields (e.g. enabled, not hidden, input)












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Provide high fidelity prototype or mockoup

Out of Scope:

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  • The setup of a file upload from the perspective of the form designer is not part of this User Story


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This User Story is primarily built for the LTC