FORMS-321: (Form Designer) define which field can have their value re-used in a new submission

FORMS-321: (Form Designer) define which field can have their value re-used in a new submission


User Story Description:

As a form designer, I want to be able to define which field can have their value re-used when a new form is created from a previous submission.

Business Rationale:

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Priority: High

This is to work along with the feature to Create a new submission from an existing one.

The business wants the ability to select which fields values will be propagated from one submission to another to make sure that the users do provide updated values for them on the new submission.

By default all the fields are propagated. The form designer can then choose to disable the propagation for specific fields


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Technical Details:

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Acceptance Criteria:

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As a form designer I can see the “Value can be copied between submissions“ (text to confirm with Emir) checkbox in the Field component pop-up when I design the form



By default, the checkbox should be checked



If checkbox is checked then creating a new submission from an existing one will pull the value from the field.



If checkbox is not checked then creating a new submission from an existing one will not pull the value from the field.



This checkbox is not added to the “Layout component“ popup



Dynamic data components (e.g. Data grid) will still manage this option at the field level



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Provide high fidelity prototype or mockup

Very limited UI impact. Only one checkbox in the component pop-up.

Out of Scope:

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Building the feature to copy the data from one submission to another. (This is already implemented)


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