MHSU Beds - Notes
Sep 20, 2022
Materials Used
Bed Inventory Notes
Basic Info
Purpose of survey is to figure out how many beds within the HA are funded for each of the services/facility types offered, and which facilities these services are offered in.
Bed Info collected includes bed counts by facility, reported by each HA. Six HAs (including PHSA; excluding FNHA) report. The report also provides summaries of counts for each HA and provincial totals by facility type.
Timeline submitted quarterly? i.e. Survey date = June 30 and includes bed count from March 31 to June 30.
Mandatory Attributes
Attribute Name | Definition | Field Type | Values | Notes |
Survey Category = SURV_CATEGORY |
| Dropdown |
Submitting Body = SUBMIT_HA |
| Dropdown |
Physical Location HSDA = PHYS_HSDA |
| Dropdown |
Physical Location = PHYS_HA |
| Dropdown |
| Enter 9 if confidentiality or other issues prevent the physical HA from being entered |
Physical Location LHA = PHYS_LHA | The LHA of the physical location HSDA in which the facility is located | Dropdown |
Physical Location CHSA = PHYS_CHSA |
| Dropdown |
Facility Type = FAC_TYPE |
| Dropdown |
Facility City = FAC_CITY |
| Dropdown |
Number of Funded Beds/Units = BEDS |
| Dropdown |
Number of Units Clustered = BEDS_CLSTRD |
| Dropdown |
Notes = NOTE |
Survey Year = SURV_YEAR |
Survey Month = SURV_MNTH |
Facility Name = FACILITY_NAME |
Site ID = SITE_ID |
HSIAR sends out survey template along with definitions/specification documentation
All six HAs send their completed versions of the template
MHSUA (HSIAR) prepares the survey
Any external systems that MHSU could potentially pull from?
Delivery Site Registry (DSR) contains a few data points (i.e. Site_ID and Facility_Name). Need to figure out the workflow and confirm with the business area if they want this integration or are OK without it (might be too complex to integrate).