Reviewer Event Subscription

Reviewer Event Subscription


User Story description:

As a reviewer I would like to be able to subscribe to events in CHEFS.

Business Rationale:

This will allow reviewers to set a subscribed event url callout endpoint to notify external systems when an event in CHEFS has occured.

Only 3 events have been suggested so far

  • Assignment of forms

  • Status change of forms - If it goes from published to unpublished this will be important to notify the endpoints

  • Submission of forms

  • Status change of the Submission - if allowing partial





Task or User Story

Type of Dependency

1 User logged into CHEFS is an IDIR User













Technical Details:

Only allow IDIR reviewers to be able to set endpoints


Acceptance Criteria:


[List the Acceptance Criteria]




1 An IDIR user creates a form and is able to select the Allow Subscription checkbox in the form settings



2 The IDIR user can then fill out the endpoint url to send events to and a bearer token



3 The IDIR user can select which events to subscribe to

 Events include form assignment, form submission and form status change


4 The IDIR user then creates and publishes a form



5 A public client fills out a form and submits the form



6 If the IDIR user subscribed to the submission form event then the CHEFS backend application will call to the subscribed endpoint url passing some json to indicate which form submission occured.






Out of Scope:




