CHEFS Team Pages
CHEFS = Common HostEd Form Service
The Value Team: This team will focus on the development of pilot MVPs, launching open betas, scaling for enterprise use and ongoing refinement of existing capabilities
The Learning Team: This team will focus on exploration of client needs, discovery of what success looks like and designing each proof of concept for both existing and new products and features.
CHEFS Team Wish List
We wish CHEFS would… |
Auto/Incremental Save if I want, with option to only save manually if preferred YES & blocked |
Wish in-product and ex-product documentation/help was easier to find, navigate and generally be useful YES ? ChatBot, Proactive Help |
Wish CHEFS had fewer ingress channels for users to ask for support (and those channels were searchable) MAYBE need primacy/SLA of a channel to be obvious by experience & declaration (@Bhuvanesh Pattanashetti (Unlicensed) agrees!) |
Wish components were laid out in a more user-centric / task oriented manner MAYBE as long as the re-org is not disruptive (have two order options: alphabetical; easy mode) |
Wish CHEFS was more common-sense regarding the UX YES NO MAYBE |
Wish CHEFS integrated into PayBC to make it easy to add a “Pay Now” button YES NO MAYBE |
Wish CHEFS was more modular / loosely-coupled / ‘componentized’ / re-usable YES NO MAYBE |
Wish CHEFS could accept input from outside of CHEFS YES NO MAYBE |
Wish it had an events Notification System YES NO MAYBE |
Wish it could be embedded into other web pages (in a seamless way) YES NO MAYBE |
Wish it had server-sided form validation YES NO MAYBE |
Wish it had pagination throughout the site YES NO MAYBE |
Wish it had an “easy” mode for new users (and could easily be promoted to an ‘Advanced’ mode) YES NO MAYBE |
Wish it were easier to edit forms without so many versions being created and that the upfront question / config were less heavy weight YES NO MAYBE |
Had less counter-intuitive moments in the UX (e.g.: more appropriate icons, better precedence between “save” / “submit”)YES NO MAYBE |
Would give me the SQL to create the database to store the form data YES NO MAYBE |
Had more filtering options on “My Forms” (by date, etc) YES NO MAYBE |
Notification indicator on the dashboard for submissions / tagged as reviewer / etc. YES NO MAYBE |
Better documented and consistent API YES NO MAYBE |
Had a ‘Shared With Me’ folder (or section), and a ‘My Own Forms’ folder (or section)… How can people manage their various forms and know which are which? YES NO MAYBE |
Can we have a “Try It Out” Button or space where we can have a POC or test model running for people to try the tech in a safe, non public way.. to see how they’re using or IF they’re using it. YES NO MAYBE |
Can we have an ‘Events notification System’? Where people can opt-in for notifications for particular ‘events’ or part of a form? YES NO MAYBE |
Can we do specific and tailored components and libraries for each ministry? ie: Tailored headings / footers YES NO MAYBE |
Can we have a better filtering option in search under My Forms? e.g.: by date.. name… ministry? YES NO MAYBE |
How can we let folks know there have been updates made, or new changes added, to a specific feature? Could be a notification they can check at their convenience as opposed to a pop up. YES NO MAYBE |
If a feature is in testing or beta, how do we let people know when it's out of testing and official? A badge, notification, colour change, state change? YES NO MAYBE |
Can we let people know, when they’re using a specific feature a lot, our AI (or a suggestion) pops up and says “Hey I see you use this feature a lot, there is another feature you may like as well… here it is” YES NO MAYBE |