Review LTC Current State
Jun 17, 2022
@Killian Faussart (Unlicensed)
@Miranda Stewart
Jay Evans
Samuel Ramos
Linda Shaw
Discuss the current state to draft the diagram and identify main pain points
Discussion topics
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Can we change the current data points collected? The current data points are not necessarily all useful to the LTC program area. It was agreed with FCS to keep the current data points at the moment but this will need to be reviewed and refined eventually. Something to further discuss with LTC.
One of the main project goals? Get rid of the duplication of data collection for the Health Authorities. Currently, both LTC and FCS collect the same data points. LTC will collect through the web tool, while FCS will manually request the data to the Health Authorities on their side
Are all the data points used by the LTC Program Area? The LTC program area will not use all the data points from the raw templates. Bonnie's team will. And LTC will get rolled up data from Bonnie's team for updating the funding model (Heather's domain)
Current reporting? The LTC program areas currently doesn't generate or uses any reporting from the tool. Only Bonnie's team and FCS are
Is the review process from HAs actually needed? Maybe not. This is a discussion to have with the HAs. This was originally setup to put pressure on operators to submit data. But it is also useful because the Health Authorities have a responsibility over the quality of the data.
Is the single submission from an operator viable and does it provide value? To address with Health Authorities
Do Health Authorities use the data in their own system? Yes. The manual submission was originally designed in a way to allow the HAs to input that data into their own system. The Webtool changed the format which became a pain point for the HAs who had to modify their system to adapt with this new format. We have to be careful about this point because changes to the HAs systems are not easy.
Desire to migrate everything into Health Ideas? Yes. Currently not in there but will need to be.
Need for validation with External systems? Yes. With the DSR (Delivery Site Registry).
****Look at diagram for other input collected during the meeting**** |
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