Docker compose

Docker compose

After downloading the CHEFS source code from: GitHub - bcgov/common-hosted-form-service: Create, edit and publish forms

Duplicate the file /common-hosted-form-service/app/config/default.json into a new file called /common-hosted-form-service/app/config/local.json

Make the necessary changes so that the local.json file looks like:


{ "db": { "database": "chefs", "host": "localhost", "port": "5432", "username": "app", "password": "admin" }, "files": { "uploads": { "enabled": "true", "fileCount": "1", "fileKey": "files", "fileMaxSize": "25MB", "fileMinSize": "0KB", "path": "files" }, "permanent": "localStorage", "localStorage" : { "path": "myfiles" }, "objectStorage": { "accessKeyId": "nr-iit-showcase", "bucket": "egejyy", "endpoint": "https://nrs.objectstore.gov.bc.ca", "key": "chefs/dev/", "secretAccessKey": "anything" } }, "frontend": { "apiPath": "api/v1", "basePath" : "/app", "keycloak": { "clientId": "chefs", "realm": "cp1qly2d", "serverUrl": "http://localhost:8082" } }, "server": { "apiPath": "/api/v1", "basePath" : "/app", "bodyLimit": "30mb", "keycloak": { "clientId": "chefs-backend", "realm": "cp1qly2d", "serverUrl": "http://localhost:8082", "clientSecret": "XXXXXXXXXXXX" }, "logLevel": "http", "port": "8080", "rateLimit" : { "public": { "windowMs": "900000", "max": "100" } } }, "serviceClient": { "commonServices": { "ches": { "endpoint": "https://ches-dev.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca/api" }, "cdogs": { "endpoint": "https://cdogs-dev.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca/api" }, "tokenEndpoint": "https://dev.oidc.gov.bc.ca/auth/realms/jbd6rnxw/protocol/openid-connect/token", "username": "CHEFS_SERVICE_CLIENT", "password": "CHEFS_SERVICE_PASSWORD" } } }


You’ll need the docker-compose file which you can copy from or download from here: common-hosted-form-service/docker-compose.yml at dockerize · jasonchung1871/common-hosted-form-service

In the same directory as this docker-compose file, you’ll need to create directories in the following structure:

  • docker

    • imports

      • keycloak


Copy or download the realm-export.json file from common-hosted-form-service/docker/imports/keycloak/realm-export.json at dockerize · jasonchung1871/common-hosted-form-service and place it inside of the docker/imports/keycloak directory you've just created.


Afterwards, open the realm-export.json file and change the following settings:

Search for XXXXXXXXXXXX and you can change this to any value you want. Afterwards, you must copy this value and paste it in your CHEFS configuration so that the CHEFS API can connect to your keycloak instance. You can do this by opening the file /common-hosted-form-service/app/config/local.json and replacing the value for..


{ ... server: { ... keycloak: { ... clientSecret: "XXXXXXXXXXXX" ... }, ... }, ... }


In the same realm-export.json file:

Search for YYYYYYYYYYYY and replace it with the client id you obtained from the Pathfinder SSO page.

Search for ZZZZZZZZZZZZ and replace it with the client secret you obtained from the Pathfinder SSO page.


Now you can run Keycloak and PostgreSQL by heading into the directory where your docker-compose.yml file is located and opening a terminal there.

Run the following command:

docker compose up

This will start up an instance for your Keycloak and PostgreSQL containers. If you don’t want to keep the terminal open, you can append a -d to the end of the command above.

Now open a terminal in the directory /common-hosted-form-service/app and run the following commands:

This will start the process for the CHEFS API.

Open another terminal in the directory /common-hosted-form-service/app/frontend and run the following commands:

This will start the process for the CHEFS frontend.