forecast updates
Capital funding allocation
Ensuring invoices are processed
Justification of existing - cost avoidance, value generated, return on investment, break-evenCom
Support for Product Owners
Confirming alignment and strategic vision
Coordinating with executives to gain support for new work on existing products
Review and sign off on procurement and contract details
Participation in procurement evaluations
Time and Leave requests
entering bi-weekly stand-by time for direct reports who do 24/7 support of a product
Performance Development Conversations
create goals at the portfolio level to share
meet quarterly with direct reports to discuss
Product Management
Seeking Senior Mgmt Team prioritization and support for relavent projects
Do.Better Jira
in each columns answer the gate questions
Decoder Ring
Objectives and Key Results
Present and discuss at SMT monday meetings (invited and called in for just your bit)
Team Support (OCIO Common Components Program)
Product: CHEFS
Pathfinder SSO
Keycloak (Red Hat Version)
Common Single Signon Requests (for self service onboarding to the shared common realm in Gold)
Product: (possibly coming soon) Proof of Concept for managing staff secondments which requires: volunteering applications, applicant review, posting opportunity, invitation to be volunteer, applicant profile and status, program administration and event management
Payment team
Disrepancy Reporting On Payments (DROP)
GC Notify Triage -
14 Clients onboarded
CHEFS form for intake and review (Director forward recommendation to accept to CDS)
biweekly Checkin with Canadian Digital Service
Attend product team meeting where there are items that would benefit from strategic visioning perspective or where the PO support
Communication and Outreach
provided position welcome one on one service for new comers where you have time
contributing to the development of content for
respond to digital investment office and enterprise architecture requests
governance frameworks
code of practice
digital principles
business cases
developing and continuously improving a body of knowledge on what a good common component look like
sharing the Common Component Program phylosophy
advocating for product owner autonomy and empowerment in all aspects of product management including financial. Product Owner includes chief product owners and higher who are actively involved in the continuous improvement of the product
advocate for the need to understand the journey of product (idea/A3, Proof of Concept, Pilots, Production for low risk clients, Enterprise for high risk clients)
Advocate for the need to understand the componentization of capabilities and how they can be assembled and bundled to form more complex services
example: a simple component can send emails, a complex component could enable the management of online form submissions, and bundled one more level, a component could enable the application, evaluation and processing of any grant program