Test Scenario ID: TS_01
Test Scenario: Verify if all the content in deployment and availability tab of My Schedule is displayed
Prerequisites: Member must have a form submitted for either of the programs(EMCR, BCWS or Both)
Figma designs: https://www.figma.com/design/3cBb24JJG10LoUlY8v3FPA/Member-Agency?node-id=1631-148833&p=f&t=nJJFPgQUMy48KaD74fAAkRt0ZXuYvFbS-0
Test Case No | Test Description | Test Steps | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | Status | Reference Ticket(s) | ||||
TC_0501 | Verify if the My schedule section is displayed | Go the My Profile page → Deployment & Availability tab |
| Must appear as the top section on the Deployment & Availability tab |
| Show Upcoming Deployment link must be displayed on right side. 6 months calendar must be displayed with the Available, unavailable and deployment schedule added into the calendar. Each month’s date is clickable and Add Availability pop up must open. |
TC_02 | Verify the subtext | Must be ‘Select the calendar dates below to update your availability or view more details. Deployment dates can only be declined and cannot be edited.’ and appear below title | |||||||||
TC_03 | Verify the Jump to Today link is displayed | Must appear as a Link, on click, If member is viewing any dates afteer 2 months from current, then they must be brought back to the Current month view and current day must be highlighted in the calendar | |||||||||
TC_04 | Verify if member can go back and forth through the months of the calendar | ||||||||||