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Welcome to the Digital Talent and Capacity’s (DTC) Information Hub!

Below we have executive updates, links for everyday tasks, and service information like finance, travel, Human Resources (HR) support, career development and learning, and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).

Please feel free to share anonymized feedback through Microsoft Forms.


👥 Teams

Branch organization chart

View file
nameDTC Org Chart - Dec 2024.pptx
Updated: Jan 2025. Org charts are updated every Quarter.

Digital Talent Development


Team Members: Justine Houchin (Lead), Dana Hudson, Jamie Billingham, Kim Zinke, Kimberley Dunn, Rosa Montgomery, Eromose Ohiosimuan (Scrum Master from Digital Head Office)

Digital Leadership Programs


Team Members: Derek (Lead), Mackenzie Kitchen, Maia Du Toit

Digital Talent Services


Team Members: Gary Wong (Lead), Hilary Watson, Shivangani Murti, Tasha Jose

Digital Marketplace


Team Members: Hugo Croft-Levesque (Lead), Ian Fonberg, Inderdeep Singh, Jason Taylor

Digital Talent Product


Team Members: Gary Wong (Lead), Alex Struk, George D’Cruz, Kaegan Mandryk, Sid McLaughlin, Teresa Lee, Tsitsi Chigumba (Scrum Master from Digital Head Office)


OCIO My Service Centre provides Core IT Services, usually via Authorized Users or Admin, that include:

  • IDIR Accounts & Access

  • Workstations & Devices

  • Data Networks

  • Hosting

  • Phones

  • Security

Learn about what requests you can self-serve on vs. what you need an Admin to perform.

Employees can Ask a Question via the AskMyHR portal for issues related to retirement, maternity/parental leave, or other life events.

Supervisors can also contact the BC Public Service Agency for advice on behalf of staff.

If you are unsure which category to select, review the service category information for Ask MyHR. 

Compassis overseen by PSA, with information relevant to all employees, like employee discounts, workplace health and more.

The CITZ IMB Help Desk is our IT support team. Get specialized help with CITZ-administered Software as a Service (SaaS) tools such as Jira, Sharepoint, Miro, Figma and more.

(blue star) Sharepoint Sites

The SharePoint (SP) homepage, Your Digital Workplace, shows all the sites you have access to.

DTC’s private SharePoint site.

Go →

DO’s private SharePoint site, External: Digital Office.

Go →


(blue star) Miro


Explore the Miro User Welcome Guide.

Miro Workspaces

License Requests

  • Licenses are limited, and teams are still advised to consider alternative whiteboards tools already procured and available based upon their needs.

  • Requests for Miro licenses will be evaluated on terms of use, suitability and business need; with preference given to those in facilitator roles requiring the advanced online whiteboard collaboration functionality Miro offers.

  • Request a Miro License for an individual or team by contacting your Admin.


Financial Coding for DTC

  • Client Number: 112

  • Responsibility Center*: 32116

  • Service Line: 34805

  • Project^: 3200000

  • Pay list*: 112-0074

  • TCA: 152875

* Unique to DTC
^ DELP has a different project number for each of its course intakes (i.e. 3200412 for EY PO# C24CIO45185)

Submitting an Invoice For Processing

  • Please send all invoices and invoice queries to our shared mailbox: – this will ensure your Admin can get to it asap.

  • Please ensure to QR the invoice with the following wording in your email - invoices cannot be processed without this.

I approve as QR the attached [INV#], $_______ for services rendered in [MMM] 2024.

Tips & Tools

Visit Finance Tips & Tools on the Citizens' Services (CITZ) Hub for updated information and specific resources on:

  • Procurement

  • Fiscal Year End

  • General Finance and,

  • Who to contact in FASB

    Business Expense Approvals (BEA)

    • A Business Expense Approval (BEA) is required when the expense is more than $30. See policy on Business Meeting and Protocol Event Expenses for more.

    • This includes all expenses related to business meetings or team trainings such as room rental audio/visual equipment, food/beverage), groceries purchased etc.

    • View file
      nameDownload the Business Expense Approval Form (314 KB).pdf

    Forms, Policy and Guidelines

    Explore Forms & Manuals and Ministry Financial Policy and Procedures on the CITZ Hub across a range of Finance-related topics.

    Visit Finance Tips & Tools on the Citizens' Services (CITZ) Hub for updated information and specific resources on:


    ✈️ Travel

    📃 Resources & Guidelines

    How to Submit Travel Requests

    1. View file
      nameReview Travel Cheat Sheet and Guidelines for the Digital Office (21KB).docx

    2. Create an e-Approval request for Travel Authorization. If you need support with this, contact your admin.

    3. Ask Admin to book your travel once the e-Approval has come through.

    4. Know that all other costs like accommodation, vehicle and mileage costs, taxi or ride app charges, must be paid for by the employee as required.

    Travel Policy & Guidelines

    Learn about Travel in our Core Policy.

    Travel for Contractors

    Contractors cannot use Oracle iExpenses. Reimbursement for meals and incidentals must be invoiced and not exceed per diem rates.

    Contractors belong to Travel Group 2 with special

    View file
    nameAllowable Travel Expenses for Contractors (115 KB).pdf

    Travel for Special Purposes

    Check out resources for:


    🫶 Volunteering

    Corporate Social Responsibility with the BCPS

    Find several local, domestic, and international opportunities and organizations that give back to communities, employees and the environment.

    Communities of practice and employee resource groups on Compass

    The Communities of Practice (CoP) bring together direct government and broader public service staff interested in specific topics, like data.

    The Employee Resource Groups (ERG) serve as safer spaces for marginalized staff interested in connecting.

    📃 Resources & Guidelines

    Performance Development Platform

    Performance Development helps employees achieve their goals, demonstrate corporate values, and pursue career and personal development.

    Behavioural Competencies in the BCPS

    Describes the behaviours, attributes, traits and motives that you demonstrate when doing a job - they enable you to do your job well.

    We also measure competencies on Indigenous Relations and Strategic Leadership.

    Additional Supports provided by the BCPS

    Check out the CoPs and ERGs you are a part of, for tailored mentorship opportunities as well.

    There are interpretive guides for behavioural interviewsavailable on Compass that help you understand how to score the highest marks when answering competency questions.

    There are separate interview guides for Indigenous Relations Behavioural Competencies.
