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This user manual is to help guide BC public servants who are members in both the BCWS and EMCR CORE Team program on how to use the new CORE member dashboard. If you were part of both CORE programs last year, this user manual is for you!


titleChapter 01: Overview of the Member Dashboard

🖥️ Overview of the Member Dashboard

Dashboard Banner

This area of your dashboard displays your current membership status in CORE Team. If you are active in both BCWS and EMCR, the label next to your name will show

. If you become inactive in both, it will show
. If you become inactive in one of both programs, your status will become
titleActive (EMCR)
(deactivated BCWS) or
titleActive (BCWS)
(deactivated EMCR). For instructions on single CORE Team program, see EMCR Member User Manual and BCWS Member User Manual.

If you want to opt out of the program(s) at any point, you must reach out to your CORE coordinator to deactivate your membership.


The CORE Member Dashboard currently consists of 2 working tabs:

  1. Deployment and Availability - allows you to view and edit your availability, deployment preferences, and skills

  2. Profile Details - allows you to edit your personal and employee information and track your membership status every year.


All the information that you update in your member dashboard will be directly reflected on your CORE coordinator’s dashboard.

Deployment and Availability Tab


The “Deployment and Availability” tab consist of three sections:

  1. My Schedule (Availability Calendar): This calendar allows your to communicate your availability for deployments to your CORE coordinator. For instructions on using the calendar functionalities, see Navigating your calendar. To learn how to update your availability using the calendar, go to Chapter 4 Updating your Availability.

  1. Section & Role Preferences: As a CORE Team member, you may be deployed in as different BCWS roles or to EMCR sections, depending on where you are needed. This part of your dashboard allows you to view or make changes to your preferred BCWS role(s)/section(s) and EMCR section(s). To learn how to do this, go to Updating my section and role preferences.

  1. Other Skills: If you listed additional skills on the intake form when you first applied to CORE, they will appear in this section. You can navigate between the three tabs (Languages, Tools & Software, Certifications) to view your skills, or click button.png to make changes. For further instructions on how to edit this section, see Updating my skills.

Profile Details Tab


To navigate to this page, click on the “Profile Details” tab in the dashboard banner. the Profile Details tab consist of 5 sections:

  1. General Information: This section displays your home and work location, region, fire centre, travel preference, driver’s license classification, employee ID, paylist number, and purchase card holder status. While this section is editable, some information cannot be changed.

  1. Employee Information: This section contains information about your current supervisor, liaison, union membership, ministry and division. While this section is editable, some information cannot be changed.


Your liaison information is important for BCWS-related communication.

  1. Contact Information: This section contains your primary, secondary, and work number, and your government email address. This section is editable.

  1. Emergency Contact Information: This section contains your emergency contact name, their phone number, and their relationship to you. This section is editable.

  1. CORE Membership Status: This section displays the CORE programs (BCWS and EMCR) that you are currently enrolled in. For each program, you can see your recommitment status for the upcoming year, the date you recommitted to the program for the year, and the date you first joined the program. This section is NOT editable.

For instructions on how to edit your information in this tab, see Chapter 5 Updating your Profile Information.

titleChapter 02: Accessing the Dashboard and IDIR Authentication

🔑 Accessing the Dashboard and IDIR Authentication

To access your member dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the CORE Team application portal.

  2. Log in with your IDIR and click “Continue” to enter your member dashboard.


Chapter 04:
titleChapter 03: Confirming your Recommitment Status

✅ Confirming your Recommitment Status

As As a CORE member, you can now confirm your recommitment status for the upcoming year directly in your member dashboard. Please follow the instructions in this chapter to ensure a smooth recommitment process.


What is recommitment?

In the CORE Team program, recommitment is the process by which members renew their CORE membership for the upcoming year. Whether you wish to return to CORE or decline recommitment, you must do so using your member dashboard. If you want to remain an active CORE member in BCWS for another year, you must also obtain your supervisor’s approval after submitting your decision. Supervisor approval is required for recommitment each year.

How does the new recommitment process work?

Starting in 2025, there will be a designated recommitment period beginning in January each year. During this period, you will receive a recommitment reminder via email, prompting you to confirm your recommitment status on your member dashboard. We also advise you to discuss the possibility of returning to CORE with your supervisor beforehand.

Once you confirm your return to CORE on your dashboard, your supervisor will be notified and must submit their approval through their supervisor portal. After your supervisor's approval is received in the CORE Team system, your status will remain active for the upcoming year. If your supervisor declines your recommitment request, your status will become inactive by the end of the recommitment period. You will receive email notifications for both updates.

What about my PAR-Q+ Submission?

You are still need required to complete a PAR-Q+ form for BCWS recommitment every year. However, the PAR-Q+ will be integrated in the new recommitment process and you can access and completed it in your member dashboard during recommitment. To complete the PAR-Q+, you must have a witness signature. Before you start recommitment, please make sure you have found someone to be your witness.

I want to recommit to both BCWS and EMCR CORE next year. What should I do?



What should I expect after completing my recommitment modal?

To return to both programs, follow the instructions below:


  1. Enter Dashboard via Recommitment Email. At the start of the recommitment period, you will receive an automatic email reminder regarding recommitment.

    1. In the email, click email-btn.png.

      1. Log into your member dashboard with your government IDIR.


  1. Start your recommitment process. In your member dashboard, a yellow message banner will appear directly above your calendar, displaying further instructions and your current recommitment status.

    1. Click “Start Recommitment” to open the recommitment window.


  1. Complete the recommitment modal. Fill in the form to confirm your recommitment status for next year.

    1. In the dropdown field in step 1, select “Yes”.

    2. click “Next”.

  1. Since you are also recommitting to BCWS, start the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire for Everyone (PAR-Q+).

    1. Carefully read over the terms and instructions at the beginning of the PAR-Q+ form.

    2. Click ‘proceed’.


A witness signature is required for participant declaration. Before starting your BCWS recommitment, please ensure you have obtained permission from someone to be your witness.

There are 3 steps to this form, each containing questions that require a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer.

  1. Complete step 1 of the PAR-Q+ by answering seven general health questions.

    1. If you answer NO to all seven questions, clicking “Next” will bring you to the third and final step of the PAR-Q+ (participant declaration).

    2. If you answer YES to one or more questions, clicking “Next” will take you to the second step of the PAR-Q+ (follow-up questions).

    3. Click “Next”.

  1. (If answered one or more YES in part 1) Complete step 2 of the PAR-Q+ by answering 9 main follow-up questions about your medical conditions.

    1. If you answer YES to a question, it will expand to show 2-5 subsequent questions.

    2. Answer any required subsequent questions per follow-up question.

    3. When all questions are completed, click “Next”.

  1. Complete the final step of the PAR-Q+ by signing the participant declaration.

    1. Read the declaration displayed in the window.

    2. Enter your full name in the field.

    3. Select the current date.

    4. Enter your witness’s full name.

    5. Click image-20250103-072453.png to download a PDF file of your completed and signed PAR-Q+ form and email it to your Fire Centre. This step is required in order to proceed with your recommitment.

    6. Click image-20250103-072701.png to continue with the rest of the recommitment process.


Quick Tips


  1. (Optional) Update/verify your supervisor information.

    1. If your supervisor has changed in the past year, you can update your supervisor information in the form fields here.

    2. If your supervisor has remained the same since the previous year, you can skip this step.

    3. Click “Next”.


  1. Check off the statements. Carefully read through the three statements.

    1. Check off all three statements.

    2. Click “Submit Decision”.


  1. Wait for your supervisor’s approval. Your recommitment status will temporarily appear as

    titlepending supervisor approval

    1. If your supervisor has approved your recommitment to both programs, your recommitment status in the banner will change to

      and you will be notified of this change via email.


      Both you and your CORE coordinator will see your recommitment status as

      on your respective CORE dashboards. This will be reflected on your CORE membership status section under the “Profile Details” tab.


    2. If your supervisor has declined your recommitment to both programs, your recommitment status in the banner will change to

      titledeclined by supervisor


      Both you and your CORE coordinator will see your recommitment status as

      on your respective CORE dashboards. This will be reflected on your CORE membership status section under the “Profile Details” tab.


      Once the recommitment period ends and the new year in CORE begins, your member status in your profile banner will change from

      , indicating to CORE coordinators that you are not a deployable member in the new year.

    3. If your supervisor has only approved your recommitment to one of the two programs,


My supervisor only approved my recommitment for one of the two programs I’ve requested for. How do I know which one it is?

You will still receive an

banner status. However, you can check your status displayed in your profile banner, as well as your CORE membership status section in your “Profile Details” tab, to check which of the two CORE program your supervisor approved of:

  • If your supervisor approved your BCWS recommitment but declined the EMCR recommitment:


    After the recommitment period, your member status will change to

    titleActive (bcws)

  • If your supervisor approved your EMCR recommitment but declined the BCWS recommitment:


    After the recommitment period, your member status will change to

    titleActive (EMCR)

I want to decline recommitment to both BCWS and EMCR. What should I do?


To decline your recommitment for both CORE programs for the upcoming year, follow steps 1-2 in Confirming recommitment to both programs, then continue with the following instructions:


  1. Complete the recommitment modal. Fill in the form to confirm your recommitment status for next year.

    1. In the dropdown field in step 1, select “No, I am not returning to either this year”.

    2. Click “Next”.


  1. Select a reason for declining recommitment.

    1. Select a reason for declining each program separately.

    2. If you select “other reasons” for any program, you must provide further explanation in the comment box below.

    3. click “Submit Decision”.


  1. Your recommitment status in the banner will change to



    This will also be reflected in your CORE coordinator’s dashboard, as well as in your CORE membership status section in your “Profile Details” tab in your member’s dashboard.


    When the recommitment period ends, your

    status on your dashboard banner will change to

I only want to return to BCWS CORE next year. What should I do?

Confirming your recommitment to BCWS only means you will be declining recommitment for EMCR. To complete this process, follow these instructions:


  1. Complete the recommitment modal. Fill in the form to confirm your recommitment status for next year.

    1. In the dropdown field in step 1, select “Yes, to BCWS only”.

    2. Click “Next”.


  1. Select a reason for declining recommitment to the other program.

    1. Select a reason for declining recommitment to EMCR.

    2. If you select “other reasons” for the program, you must provide further explanation in the comment box below.

    3. click “Next”.

  1. Complete the PAR-Q+ form. Follow steps 4-7 in Confirming recommitment to both programs.

    1. click “Complete and Proceed” when done.


  1. (Optional) Update/verify your supervisor information.

    1. If your supervisor has changed in the past year, you can update your supervisor information in the form fields here.

    2. If your supervisor has remained the same since the previous year, you can skip this step.

    3. Click “Next”.


  1. Check off the statements. Carefully read through the three statements.

    1. Check off all three statements.

    2. Click “Submit Decision”.


  1. Wait for your supervisor’s approval for BCWS CORE. Your recommitment status will temporarily appear as

    titlepending supervisor approval

    1. If approved, your recommitment status banner will change to

      and you will be notified of this change via email. Your CORE Membership Status section will look like this:

    2. When the recommitment period ends, your

      status on your dashboard banner will change to
      titleactive (BCWS)
      . This means that starting in the new year of the program, you will only be an active and deployable member for BCWS. EMCR coordinators will see your status as

I only want to return to EMCR CORE next year. What should I do?

Confirming your recommitment to EMCR only means you will be declining recommitment for BCWS. To complete this process, follow these instructions:


  1. Complete the recommitment modal. Fill in the form to confirm your recommitment status for next year.

    1. In the dropdown field in step 1, select “Yes, to EMCR only”.

    2. Click “Next”.


  1. Select a reason for declining recommitment to the other program.

    1. Select a reason for declining recommitment to BCWS.

    2. If you select “other reasons” for the program, you must provide further explanation in the comment box below.

    3. click “Next”.


  1. (Optional) Update/verify your supervisor information.

    1. If your supervisor has changed in the past year, you can update your supervisor information in the fields in step 2.

    2. If your supervisor has remained the same since the previous year, you can skip this step by clicking “Next”.


  1. Check off the statements. Carefully read through the two statements.

    1. Check off both statements.

    2. Click “Submit Decision”.


  1. Wait for your supervisor’s approval for EMCR CORE. Your recommitment status will temporarily appear as

    titlepending supervisor approval

    1. If approved, your recommitment status banner will change to

      and you will be notified of this change via email. Your CORE Membership Status section will look like this:

    2. When the recommitment period ends, your

      status on your dashboard banner will change to
      titleactive (EMCR)
      . This means that starting in the new year of the program, you will only be an active and deployable member for EMCR. BCWS coordinators will see your status as

I missed the recommitment deadline but I still want to recommit. What should I do?

If you forget to submit your recommitment decision in your dashboard before the deadline, your member status will automatically change to

for both programs, and you will be notified. If you still wish to participate in the program for the year, please reach out to your CORE coordinators as soon as possible to have your recommitment process reactivated.

Once reactivated, you will receive a new email reminder with a link to your dashboard and a new deadline. Based on your own recommitment decision, please follow the appropriate instructions in this chapter to complete the process before the new deadline.


titleChapter 04: Updating your Availability

🗓️ Updating your Availability

Navigating your Calendar

  1. Upcoming Deployments Panel: Click Show Upcoming Deployments to display your 6 upcoming deployments scheduled by your CORE coordinator, listed from the nearest to the furthest date.

  2. Jump to Today Button: Click this button to bring you back to the current day highlighted in the calendar.

  3. Date Range Picker: Click the chevrons

    View file
    to adjust the date range.

  4. Calendar View Options: You can adjust how many months the calendar displays in advance by selecting an option from this dropdown menu.


Calendar Date Blocks

  1. All dates are blank by default, indicating to your CORE coordinator that you are available for deployments on those dates.

  2. You can mark dates as

    . This indicates to your coordinator that you are not available for deployments on those dates.

  3. When your CORE coordinator schedules you for a deployment, it will be reflected on your calendar as



Please note that if you are currently an inactive member, your calendar is disabled.

How to update your availability

You can only block off dates when you are unavailable for deployments on your calendar. To do so, please follow the instructions below:

  1. On the calendar, click on a date that you are unavailable for deployment. A “Set Unavailability” window will open up next to the date.


  2. In the “Set Unavailability” window, select and adjust the start and end dates to indicate the range during which you are unavailable.


  3. Click “Save”.

  4. Your selected date range will be marked as unavailable in your calendar and will also be visible to your CORE coordinator.



After recommitment, we recommend updating your availability three months in advance or whenever changes occur in your work or personal schedule. This ensures your CORE coordinator is immediately notified and can make necessary deployment adjustments.

titleChapter 05: Updating your Profile Information

📝Updating your Profile Information

Updating my section and role preferences

This section of your dashboard consists of a list of EMCR sections and BCWS roles that you prefer.[VIDEO PLACEHOLDER]

BCWS Roles

EMCR Section

I want to add a preferred role in a section.

  1. In the “Section & Role Preferences” section, click the “BCWS Roles” tab to open the preference list.

  2. , click image-20250103-062323.png to open the pop-up window.

  3. Scroll down to “BCWS”. Under “Add New Role”, click the “Select Role(s)” dropdown.

    1. You can use the mini search bar in the dropdown menu to search for a specific role or BCWS section name.

    2. Scroll to and select the role(s) that you want to add.

  4. (Optional) If necessary, you can adjust your top 3 preferred BCWS sections by choosing from the first, second, and third choice dropdown fields.

  5. Click image-20250103-025537.png.

  6. Your added role will be displayed under section & role preferences.

I want to add a preferred section.

  1. In the “Section & Role Role Preferences” section, click the “EMCR Roles” tab to open the preference list.

  2. click image-20250103-024826.png to open the pop-up window.

  3. Scroll to “EMCR” and click “Add New Section(s)” dropdown field.

    1. Select the EMCR section(s) that you want to add.

  4. (Optional) If necessary, you can adjust your top 3 preferred EMCR sections by choosing from the first, second, and third choice dropdown fields.

  5. Click image-20250103-025537.png.

  6. Your added section will be displayed under section preferences.

I want to remove a preferred role.

  1. Click image-20250103-062323.png to open the pop-up window.

  2. Scroll down to “BCWS”. Under “Selected Roles,” navigate to the section:role label and click “X” to remove it.

  3. Click image-20250103-025537.png.

  4. The role will be removed from your section & role preferences.

I want to remove a preferred section.

  1. Click image-20250103-024826.png to open the pop-up window.

  2. Scroll to “EMCR”. Under “Selected Sections,” navigate to the section label and click “X” to remove it.

  3. Click image-20250103-025537.png.

  4. The section will no longer be displayed in your section preferences list.


If you have trouble understanding what are the expectations and role responsibilities within a section, click See Section Definitions on the top of the “Edit Preferences” pop-up window.

Updating my skills

I want to add a language that I know.

I want to add a tool/software that I can use.

I want to add a certification that I have.

  1. In the “Other Skills” section of your dashboard, click the “Edit Skills” button to open the edit pop-up window.

    1. Click image-20250103-031218.png to add another language field group.

    2. Under the “Name” field, enter the language name.

    3. In the same row, select your proficiency level for the language from the “Proficiency Level” dropdown field.

    4. Click image-20250103-031837.png.

  2. You can add multiple languages by repeatedly clicking image-20250103-031218.png.

  3. To remove a language from your skills section, click the image-20250102-064227.png icon next to the language field row.

  1. In the edit pop-up window, click image-20250103-032226.png to add another tool/software field group.

    1. In the “Name” dropdown field, select a tool/software.

    2. In the same row, select your proficiency level for the tool software from the “Proficiency Level” dropdown field.

    3. Click image-20250103-031837.png.

  2. You can add multiple tools/software by repeatedly clicking image-20250103-032226.png.

  3. To remove a tool/software from your skills section, click the image-20250102-064227.png icon next to the tool/software field row.

  1. In the edit pop-up window, click image-20250103-032900.png to add another certification field group.

    1. Under the “Name” field, enter the name of your certification.

    2. In the same row, enter the date you received this certification from the “Date Certified” date picker.

    3. If applicable, enter the expiry date of the Certification.

    4. Click image-20250103-031837.png.

  2. You can add multiple certifications by repeatedly clicking on image-20250102-064227.png.

Updating General Information

  1. Click the image-20250103-144902.png in the “General Information” section to open the edit pop-up window.


  2. You can only make changes to your home and work location, travel preference, driver’s license classification, and purchase card holder.


Quick tips:

  • Updating your home or work location automatically updates their respective fire centres (BCWS) and region (EMCR). You cannot directly edit your home and work fire centres/regions.

  • Travel preference refers to how far you are willing to travel from your home location for on-site deployments.

  1. Once you have made changes to the fields above, click image-20250103-031837.png.

Updating Employee Information

  1. Click image-20250103-144902.png in the “Employee Information” section to open the edit pop-up window.

  2. You can make changes to your supervisor name, supervisor email, supervisor phone number, liaison name, liaison email, Ministry, division, and union membership.

  3. Click image-20250103-031837.png.


How do I find my liaison?

Your liaison is crucial for BCWS-related communication. If you are unsure who your liaison is, please reach out to your supervisor or manager. For more information on liaisons, please reach out to your Fire Centre, or refer to the CORE Team Guidelines. Note that this should not be confused with the Liaison section in a PECC or PREOC.

Updating Contact and Emergency Contact Information

  1. Click image-20250103-144902.png in the “Contact Information” and/or “Emergency Contact Information” to make changes to either section.

  2. Once you have made changes to any of the fields in the edit pop-up window(s), click image-20250103-031837.png.

