DTC #5
WORK FOR Q2 Key Result: A governance model is endorsed by DMCDD for further discovery, change management, and implementation work.
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Strategy: Discovery, research, and governance analysis to bring 2-3 gov model options to DMCDD (ideally by September 2024).
Tactic: Policy analysis of current rights to authority, transfers, gaps
Tactic: Discovery & engagement with interested parties on priority model characteristics, key roles & responsibilities, application in delivery areas
Tactic: Development, prototyping and testing governance models - possibly with a MAS partner.
Tactic: Develop a supporting business case
Tactic: GCIO & DM briefing and approval
Tactic: DMCDD materials - presentation, potential supporting research/data analysis
POSSIBLE PIVOT Key Result: Develop and test the wireframe of one skills-based career/learning path to roll out gov-wide.
Strategy: Work with NRIDS to benchmark skills of one discipline across positions and seniority