DTC Branch OKRs
objective 1 | Our partners can acquire and grow the digital talent needed to deliver 4 high profile examples of modernized services in FY2024/2025 |
objective 2 | Increase the number of Corp Exec leading modernized services by delivering DELP to >22 Corporate exec by 2024/2025 to provide a foundation for digital leadership. |
objective 3 | Identify and secure endorsement by MCIO Strat Council of 3 IMIT talent priorities and develop >1 support per priority in 2024/2025 to grow new capabilities. |
objective 4 | IMIT talent strategy approved by DMCDD and/or DMCPSR by 2024/2025. |
objective 5 | Our partners have the opportunity to build capacity by addressing >1 systemic barriers in 2024/2025. |
objective 6 | DTC is sustainable by implementing processes for delivery scaling, pulse checks and cost recovery by 2024/2025 |
objective 7 ** | Our digital professionals have access to >=3 new opportunities/ pathways to grow new capabilities in 2024/2025 |
**LAT is currently discussing whether there is capacity to keep objective 7 in FY24/25.