Test Scenario ID: TS_01
Test Scenario: Verify the member recommitment process for an active member returning to either of the one program
Prerequisites: Member must be active
Figma designs: https://www.figma.com/design/3cBb24JJG10LoUlY8v3FPA/Member-Agency?node-id=2221-32083&t=FkailJHtNz0bBbLu-0
Test Case No | Test Description | Test Steps | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | Status | Reference Ticket(s) |
TC_01 | Verify if the members receive the Annual Recommitment Reminder Email on the 2nd monday of January |
| All the active members must receive the email. Email template must be as per the design: https://www.figma.com/design/3cBb24JJG10LoUlY8v3FPA/Member-Agency?node-id=2318-398159&t=gmK1ildxfL5kQI0I-0 |
TC_02 | Verify if member can go to the profile page from the email link ‘Go to My Dashboard’ | click the link ‘Go to My Dashboard’ | Member must be taken to the IDIR login page. On successful login, member must be navigated to the /profile page | ||||
Verify if member can view the recommitment banner | |||||||
TC_03 | Verify the Jump to Today link is displayed | Must appear as a Link, on click, If member is viewing any dates afteer 2 months from current, then they must be brought back to the Current month view and current day must be highlighted in the calendar | |||||
TC_04 | Verify if member can go back and forth through the months of the calendar | A previous and next arrows must appear as a button. Previous button must take member to previous months view. Eg: If having 3 months view, then on the click, previous 3 months from current month must be displayed. Next button must take member to next months view. Eg: If having 3 months view, then on the click, next 3 months from current view must be displayed. | |||||
TC_05 | Verify if member can select the number of months to be displayed in the calendar | Month Range Dropdown Options: | Member and coordinator/logistics view has one more option as 12 months, confirmed with Chevonne and its fine | ||||
TC_06 | Verify if the scheduler is displayed | Scheduler must display in form of calendar. Rows display the months and column displays the dates (1-30/31) | |||||
TC_07 | Verify if the ”available” dates are displayed in the scheduler | For member: the ”available” dates should be white For coordinator: the ”available” dates should be green For logistics: the ”available” dates should be green | |||||
TC_08 | Verify if the not valid dates such as Feb 29/leap year or April 31, June 31, Sep 31, Nov 31 are marked invalid | The listed dates must be blacked out and must not be available for member to add availability | |||||
TC_09 | Verify if all dates are available by default | For members who have never committed before or have not added any availability yet, all the dates for all months must be displayed as available. For member: the dates should be white For coordinator: the dates should be green For logistics: the dates should be green | |||||
TC_10 | Verify if coordinator/logistics is able to filter and view the correct members as per the availability | Logistics & Coordinator must be able to use the Availability and availability date range filters. Members must display correctly |