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Context: Last Friday an end user submitted a form via CHEFS. However, CHEFS did not email a notification to the shared mailbox. Therefore the program area needed to compare their internal records for each submitted application to the list of submissions in CHEFS.
Step 1.) Log into CHEFS and search for the form "bc manufacturing jobs fund stream 2 - proposal - capital investment"
Step 2.) Click the submissions link.
Step 3.) By default only 10 results are listed, so select "show all"
Step 4.) At the top, click the check box next to "Confirmation ID" to select all submissions.
Step 5.) Click the icon of the arrow pointing down "Export Submissions to Files"
Step 6.) Accept the default settings on the page "Export Submissions to file"
Step 7.) A new tab will open "CHEFS Data Export"
Step 8.) Once the download is complete, open the downloaded CSV file and compare it to the original list of submissions.
Screenshot for Steps 3 through 5.
Screenshot for Step 6.
Screenshot for Step 7.
Screenshot for Step 8.
Notice that there are only two rows of exported data. There should be 34.