CHEFS = Common HostEd Form Service
CHEFS Red Team Client-focused. Responds to reported issues, improves and refines existing features.
CHEFS Blue Team Future-focused. Research and Development. Explores and builds new features to extend the capabilities of Chefs.
CHEFS Team Wish List
We wish CHEFS would… |
Auto/Incremental Save if I want, with option to only save manually if preferred YES & blocked |
Wish in-product and ex-product documentation/help was easier to find, navigate and generally be useful YES ? ChatBot, Proactive Help |
Wish CHEFS had fewer ingress channels for users to ask for support (and those channels were searchable) MAYBE need primacy/SLA of a channel to be obvious by experience & declaration (Bhuvanesh Pattanashetti (Unlicensed) agrees!) |
Wish components were laid out in a more user-centric / task oriented manner MAYBE as long as the re-org is not disruptive (have two order options: alphabetical; easy mode) |
Wish CHEFS was more common-sense regarding the UX YES NO MAYBE |
Wish CHEFS integrated into PayBC to make it easy to add a “Pay Now” button YES NO MAYBE |
Wish CHEFS was more modular / loosely-coupled / ‘componentized’ / re-usable YES NO MAYBE |
Wish CHEFS could accept input from outside of CHEFS YES NO MAYBE |
Wish it had an events Notification System YES NO MAYBE |
Wish it could be embedded into other web pages (in a seamless way) YES NO MAYBE |
Wish it had server-sided form validation YES NO MAYBE |
Wish it had pagination throughout the site YES NO MAYBE |
Wish it had an “easy” mode for new users (and could easily be promoted to an ‘Advanced’ mode) YES NO MAYBE |
Wish it were easier to edit forms without so many versions being created and that the upfront question / config were less heavy weight YES NO MAYBE |
Had less counter-intuitive moments in the UX (e.g.: more appropriate icons, better precedence between “save” / “submit”)YES NO MAYBE |
Would give me the SQL to create the database to store the form data YES NO MAYBE |
Had more filtering options on “My Forms” (by date, etc) YES NO MAYBE |
Notification indicator on the dashboard for submissions / tagged as reviewer / etc. YES NO MAYBE |
Better documented and consistent API YES NO MAYBE |
Had a ‘Shared With Me’ folder (or section), and a ‘My Own Forms’ folder (or section)… How can people manage their various forms and know which are which? YES NO MAYBE |
Can we have a “Try It Out” Button or space where we can have a POC or test model running for people to try the tech in a safe, non public way.. to see how they’re using or IF they’re using it. YES NO MAYBE |
Can we have an ‘Events notification System’? Where people can opt-in for notifications for particular ‘events’ or part of a form? YES NO MAYBE |
Can we do specific and tailored components and libraries for each ministry? ie: Tailored headings / footers YES NO MAYBE |
Can we have a better filtering option in search under My Forms? e.g.: by date.. name… ministry? YES NO MAYBE |
How can we let folks know there have been updates made, or new changes added, to a specific feature? Could be a notification they can check at their convenience as opposed to a pop up. YES NO MAYBE |
If a feature is in testing or beta, how do we let people know when it's out of testing and official? A badge, notification, colour change, state change? YES NO MAYBE |
Can we let people know, when they’re using a specific feature a lot, our AI (or a suggestion) pops up and says “Hey I see you use this feature a lot, there is another feature you may like as well… here it is” YES NO MAYBE |