Test Scenario ID: TS_01
Test Scenario: Verify the member recommitment process for an active member returning to either of the one program
Prerequisites: Member must be active
Figma designs: https://www.figma.com/design/3cBb24JJG10LoUlY8v3FPA/Member-Agency?node-id=2221-32083&t=FkailJHtNz0bBbLu-0
Test Case No | Test Description | Test Steps | Test Data | Expected Results | Actual Results | Status | Reference Ticket(s) |
TC_01 | Verify if the members receive the Annual Recommitment Reminder Email on the 2nd monday of January |
| All the active members must receive the email. Email template must be as per the design: https://www.figma.com/design/3cBb24JJG10LoUlY8v3FPA/Member-Agency?node-id=2318-398159&t=gmK1ildxfL5kQI0I-0 |
TC_02 | Verify if member can go to the profile page from the email link ‘Go to My Dashboard’ | click the link ‘Go to My Dashboard’ | Member must be taken to the IDIR login page. On successful login, member must be navigated to the /profile page | ||||
Verify if member can view the recommitment banner | Banner must appear op top of all the 3 tabs: Deployment & Availability, Profile Details and Training Courses Banner must have following details:
| ||||||
Verify if member can start the recommitment process | click the Start Recommitment button | Step 1 of the recommitment process must be displayed. Buttons Cancel & Next must be available. Cancel button must cancel the process and navigate member to the home page. Next button must be disabled until member can select an answer to the question: Do you want to return to EMCR CORE Team as a member for the upcoming 2025 year?* | |||||
Verify if member is navigated to step 2 of recommitment process | Select yes from the drop down option in step 1 and click next | Step 2 of the recommitment process must be displayed. Buttons Previous, Cancel & Next must be available. Cancel button must cancel the process and navigate member to the home page. Previous btn must take member to step 1 The supervisor details must be pre-filled into the fields and member can edit them if needed All the fields are mandatory field and user must not be able to move to the next step if atleast one is left empty | |||||
TC_03 | |||||||
TC_04 | Verify if member can go back and forth through the months of the calendar | A previous and next arrows must appear as a button. Previous button must take member to previous months view. Eg: If having 3 months view, then on the click, previous 3 months from current month must be displayed. Next button must take member to next months view. Eg: If having 3 months view, then on the click, next 3 months from current view must be displayed. | |||||
TC_05 | Verify if member can select the number of months to be displayed in the calendar | Month Range Dropdown Options: | Member and coordinator/logistics view has one more option as 12 months, confirmed with Chevonne and its fine | ||||
TC_06 | Verify if the scheduler is displayed | Scheduler must display in form of calendar. Rows display the months and column displays the dates (1-30/31) | |||||
TC_07 | Verify if the ”available” dates are displayed in the scheduler | For member: the ”available” dates should be white For coordinator: the ”available” dates should be green For logistics: the ”available” dates should be green | |||||
TC_08 | Verify if the not valid dates such as Feb 29/leap year or April 31, June 31, Sep 31, Nov 31 are marked invalid | The listed dates must be blacked out and must not be available for member to add availability | |||||
TC_09 | Verify if all dates are available by default | For members who have never committed before or have not added any availability yet, all the dates for all months must be displayed as available. For member: the dates should be white For coordinator: the dates should be green For logistics: the dates should be green | |||||
TC_10 | Verify if coordinator/logistics is able to filter and view the correct members as per the availability | Logistics & Coordinator must be able to use the Availability and availability date range filters. Members must display correctly |