Form Design and Submission Capabilities

Form Design and Submission Capabilities

Within the Common Components Program the focus is for teams to enable “capabilities”. We aren’t necessarily looking to build a platform or a product to solve a specific use case. This might seem counter intuitive, but it is fundamental to the goal of the program that the result of our efforts serves to benefit many teams, not just one.

A capability is a building block that a business area can use to implement a service for their clients.

The Common Hosted Form Service provides the following capabilities:

  • Allows Government employees to create webforms via a drag and drop approach

  • Manages versions of forms

  • Hosts a website for published forms to be viewed, filled out and submitted to a database

  • Hosts a website for form administrators and other team roles to review and manage the form and its submissions

The intention long term is that as Government software development teams, we can stop recreating this set of capabilities again and again in our own custom applications.

To achieve this goal the Common Components Program has a dedicated team in place and funded to continuously improve the CHEFS component so that it can integrate with other components including your Line of Business systems.