DROP - Transition Plan
Current Status
Future Roles and Responsibilities
New and Outstanding issues
Documentation Sources
Transition Plan for support and maintenance
Technical Lead (Will discuss these on the May 23rd Meeting)
AWS Public Cloud Hosting of various components of the application
The deployed application Discrepancy Reporting On Payments (DROP)
The File Storage or "S3 Buckets"
location where ServiceBC (SBC) drops their GARMS JSON file
location where Banking and Cash Management (BCM) drops their DAT file
The location where reports are stored
AWS Transfer Family
pulls from the BCM SFTP Site.
find out how it is being done to get the GARMS files into S3
GC Notify Account (the service that handles email notifications)
API Services Portal (future service to replace the SMTP
Product Owner
Financial Items
AWS hosting costs
MOU between the business area a platform services who pay the AWS Hosting invoices on our behalf
S3 Storage Metrics: DROP-S3-Storage - S3 Storage Lens dashboard | S3 | ca-central-1 (amazon.com)
Follow-up meetings to carry out the transition plan