Progress Bar

Progress Bar

A custom progress bar can be added to the form to enhance the user experience and indicate the remaining steps within the form.

Step 1: Start by dragging an ‘HTML Component’ into the form builder.

Step 2: Click on the Settings (gear) icon and edit the ‘HTML tag’ field from p to div in the ‘Display’ tag and change the ‘CSS Class’ to stepper

Step 3: Copy the following code into the ‘Content’ section (creates 4 tabs)

<ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist"> <li role="presentation" class="active"> <a class="persistant-disabled" href="#stepper-step-1" data-toggle="tab" aria-controls="stepper-step-2" role="tab" title="Step 1"> <div class="round-tab"><span>1</span></div> </a> </li> <li role="presentation" class="disabled"> <a class="persistant-disabled" href="#stepper-step-2" data-toggle="tab" aria-controls="stepper-step-2" role="tab" title="Step 2"> <div class="round-tab"><span>2</span></div> </a> </li> <li role="presentation" class="disabled"> <a class="persistant-disabled" href="#stepper-step-3" data-toggle="tab" aria-controls="stepper-step-3" role="tab" title="Step 3"> <div class="round-tab"><span>3</span></div> </a> </li> <li role="presentation" class="disabled"> <a class="persistant-disabled" href="#stepper-step-3" data-toggle="tab" aria-controls="stepper-step-3" role="tab" title="Step 4"> <div class="round-tab"><span>4</span></div> </a> </li> </ul>

Step 4: Navigate to the ‘Logic’ tab and click on the ‘Add Logic’ button

Step 5: Enter stepper as the 'Logic Name' and select the 'Javascript' type from the 'Trigger' dropdown

Step 6: Enter the following code in the ‘TextArea’ that appears.

    let cssId = 'myCss'; const head  = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; if (!document.getElementById(cssId)) {     const link  = document.createElement('link');     link.id   = cssId;     link.rel  = 'stylesheet';     link.type = 'text/css';     link.href = 'https://timisenco2015.github.io/formulator.github.com/css/chefsCustomCss.css';     link.media = 'all';     head.appendChild(link);         const script = document.createElement('script');     script.type = 'text/javascript';     script.src = 'https://cdn.form.io/formiojs/formio.full.min.js';         head.appendChild(script); }

Step 7: Click on ‘Save Logic’ and then ‘Save’ the component.

Step 8: Next, add a ‘Tabs’ component from the ‘Advanced Fields’ and edit the tabs based on your requirements.

Step 9: Under the Tab settings, enter progressStepper in the ‘Custom CSS Class’

Step 10: Under the ‘Logic’ tab, click on the ‘Add Logic’ button and add any ‘Logic Name’

Step 11: In the ‘Trigger’ section, select the ‘Event’ type from the dropdown

Step 12: Enter change as the ‘Event Name'

Step 13: Click on the ‘Add Action’ button, and enter any ‘Action Name’

Step 14: Select ‘Custom Action’ from the ‘Type’ dropdown

Step 15: Enter the following code in the ‘Custom Action (Javascript)’ field

const lists = document.querySelectorAll(".progressStepper ul li"); const progressStepper = document.querySelectorAll(".stepper ul li"); for(let [index, li] of lists.entries()) {   if (li.getAttribute("class").includes('active'))   {     leftOfIndex(index);     rightOfIndex(index, progressStepper.length)     progressStepper[index].classList.remove('completed');     progressStepper[index].classList.remove('errors');     progressStepper[index].classList.remove('disabled');     progressStepper[index].classList.add('active');  }       }     function leftOfIndex(index){     for(let i=0; i<index; i++) {       progressStepper[i].classList.remove('active');       progressStepper[i].classList.remove('disabled');       progressStepper[i].classList.add('completed');     }   }   function rightOfIndex(index, endIndex){     for (let i=(endIndex-1); i>index; i--){       progressStepper[i].classList.remove('completed');       progressStepper[i].classList.remove('errors');       progressStepper[i].classList.remove('active');       progressStepper[i].classList.add('disabled');     }       }

Step 16: Click on the ‘Save Logic’ and ‘Save Action’ button and ‘Save’ the component

Step 17: To add the functionality to navigate the tabs with buttons while updating the progress bar, start by adding two ‘Button’ components onto the form. (Next/Previous)

Step 18: Click on the Settings (gear) icon for the Next button and add the following code in the ‘Button Custom Logic’ field.

const tab = form.getComponent('data'); const index = tab.currentTab; const progressStepper = document.querySelectorAll(".stepper ul li"); progressStepper[index].classList.remove('active'); progressStepper[index].classList.remove('disabled'); //progressStepper[index].classList.remove('completed'); //progressStepper[index].classList.add('errors'); progressStepper[index].classList.add('completed'); progressStepper[(index+1)].classList.add('active'); progressStepper[(index+1)].classList.remove('disabled'); tab.setTab((index+1)); window.scrollTo(0,0);

Step 19: Add the following code for the ‘Previous’ button

const tab = form.getComponent('data'); const progressStepper = document.querySelectorAll(".stepper ul li"); const index = tab.currentTab; progressStepper[index].classList.remove('errors'); progressStepper[index].classList.remove('completed'); progressStepper[index].classList.remove('active'); progressStepper[index].classList.add('disabled'); progressStepper[(index-1)].classList.add('active'); progressStepper[(index-1)].classList.remove('errors'); progressStepper[(index-1)].classList.remove('completed'); tab.setTab((index-1)); window.scrollTo(0,0);

Step 20: Save the form and preview to ensure everything is working as expected

Troubleshooting Validation Error

In case of a validation error like the image above, change the code for the ‘Next’ button to match:

progressStepper[index].classList.remove('errors'); //progressStepper[index].classList.remove('completed'); //progressStepper[index].classList.add('errors'); progressStepper[index].classList.add('completed');

Similarly, change the ‘Previous’ button to match:

progressStepper[index].classList.remove('errors'); progressStepper[index].classList.remove('active'); progressStepper[index].classList.add('disabled'); progressStepper[(index-1)].classList.add('active'); progressStepper[(index-1)].classList.remove('errors');

And change the code in Step 15 to match:

const lists = document.querySelectorAll(".progressStepper ul li"); const progressStepper = document.querySelectorAll(".stepper ul li"); const hiddenComponent = util.getComponent(form.components, 'stepperHidden'); for(let [index, li] of lists.entries()) {   if (li.getAttribute("class").includes('active'))   {     leftOfIndex(index);     rightOfIndex(index, progressStepper.length)     progressStepper[index].classList.remove('errors');     progressStepper[index].classList.remove('disabled');     progressStepper[index].classList.add('active');  }       }     function leftOfIndex(index){     for(let i=0; i<index; i++) {       progressStepper[i].classList.remove('active');       progressStepper[i].classList.remove('disabled');       progressStepper[i].classList.add('errors');     }   }   function rightOfIndex(index, endIndex){     for (let i=(endIndex-1); i>index; i--){       progressStepper[i].classList.remove('errors');       progressStepper[i].classList.remove('active');       progressStepper[i].classList.add('disabled');     }       }

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