S3 Bucket Validation
Validation Process
Step 1: Log in to chefs database pods in the openshift
Step 2: Run this command \c chefs to switch to the chefs database
Step 3: Run this command \dt to list all the tables in the chefs database
Step 4: Run this command \d file_storage to describe the file_storage table. it will list all the fields in the table
Step 5: Run this command select "path" from file_storage;
Step 6: Copy and paste the
formSubmissionId (all the objects keys) above into a file named objectskeyspaths.txt
Step 7: wrote a javascript file that does the following
I) read this file objectskeyspaths.txt
II) access the bucket and get the metadata of each object in the bucket
III) extract the key the for each object metadata
IV) compare the keys extracted in III) with the keys extracted in I)
Attached is the script:
Step 1: Log in to Metabase through this URL https://chefs-metabase.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca/
Step 2: Extract “path“ from file_storage in the Metabase objectskeyspaths.csv
Step 3: wrote a javascript file that does the following
I) read this file objectskeyspaths.csv
II) access the bucket and get the metadata of each object in the bucket
III) extract the key the for each object metadata
IV) compare the keys extracted in III) with the keys extracted in I)