WorkBC Wage Subsidy Application

WorkBC Wage Subsidy Application

  • Project vision: The WorkBC Wage Subsidy program seeks to provide funding to eligible employers to hire, provide work experience and on-the-job training to unemployed British Columbians. This project seeks to improve the existing Wage Subsidy application.

  • who is your target user persona that your work will provide value to? Job seekers, employers, and the government-adjacent staff who oversee the program.

  • what capabilities are included in the system scope?

    • An employer web app which lets employers (BCeID Basic/Business) apply for the program and submit subsidy claim forms once approved. Allows them to see information about their applications and claims.

    • An admin web app which lets service providers (government-adjacent staff, BCeID Business) manage and approve applications and claims within their catchment. Also lets CM CAPAs (catchment managers, IDIR) move forms between catchments.

    • 4 CHEFS forms: Employer Application, Employer Claim, Service Provider Application, Service Provider Claim. The forms will be embedded in the front-ends when required. All 4 are BCeID Both protected. They will have certain fields pre-filled based on the employers profile and previously submitted forms.

    • The back-ends will be subscribed to the forms. On draft creation, draft update, and submission events they will update their databases with the new data. In the case of an employer submission it will trigger the creation of a new service provider draft of the corresponding form type (application/claim).


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