Visit the Mural Board created for defining the User-Centered Approach.
Get a list of all the participants (actual end-users)
Some of the user groups identified thusfar include:
Facility Operators:
O&O Operators (HA staff)
Contracted operators (non-HA staff)
high-level RKL workflow:
1. contracted operators submit quarterly data in web tool → 2. internal review process within HAs (need to identify who exactly within the HA reviews it) → 3. (internal review process) FCS/LTC → 4. (internal review process) SS for another review (#submissions within each status) → submissions approved (draft + final submission) → MoH reports out to Sr. Execs
HA admin staff (review + use some data)
MoH admin staff (review + use some data)
Start working on data points and standardization
This work will include a requirements gathering session (weekly working group) with the regional health authorities (RHAs).
In parallel, we need to conduct Ethnographic research (interviews):
We will run shadowing sessions with individual end-users (ask them to share their screens and walk us through the process). This will help us understand the actual process they go through and then identify where the gaps exist.
The User Centered Design (UCD) is part of Change Management
Sequence of actions:
Map stakeholders and actors
Then book ethnographic research (1hr session per person)