FY2024 Q4 - Jan to Mar
Objective 1 (Digital Office Jira: DB-61)
Objective: Deliver a proof-of-concept to Business Owners of a workspace showing the CHEFS forms that are part of their program or initiative.
Meaning (Key Result): Digital Office will be able to report on who is using CHEFS from an initiative level.
Meaning (Key Result): Form Owners in CHEFS will be able to link related forms together under a common initiative.
Strategy: Implement a multitenancy proof of concept to demonstrate how to improve the scalability of CHEFS
Meaning: Validate that a multitenancy solution will address the problem of scalability and determine the acceptance criteria for the solution through a discovery and proof of concept
Metric: Likelihood of users to use this service to group together their forms
Metric: Average estimate cost savings per form group
Objective 2 (Digital Office Jira: DB-62)
Objective: Integrating system messages between CHEFS and Line-Of-Business applications.
Meaning (Key Result): LOB systems can use the Event Stream Service (ESS) to pull data from CHEFS in real-time without creating a performance hit to CHEFS. Real time data is needed so that it can be made available immediately in a form's drop down field.
Meaning (Key Result): Form Submitters don't have to wait to see the most up to date information.
Strategy: Move ESS from proof of concept to a self service capability that can be configured in CHEFS
Meaning: Onboarding to use ESS is done in settings without the need for CHEFS team manual intervention.
Metric: Number of Forms using ESS
Metric: Number of Tenants using ESS
Objective 3 (Digital Office Jira: DB-63)
Objective: Support permitting use case with CHEFS and its new mapping component.
Meaning (Key Result): NRM can use the integrated maps within CHEFS forms for the Road Use Permits (RUP) project.
Strategy: Validate the acceptance of the mapping form component on a pilot permitting project that will connect the collection of permits to the Resource Roads Service
Meaning: Collection of data including mapping data in a format that will meet the needs of the Road Use Permits project.
Metric: Use of the Point spatial type
Metric: Use of the Line spatial type
Metric: Use of the Circle spatial type
Metric: Use of the Polygon spatial type
Objective 4 (Digital Office Jira: DB-65)
Objective: A new option available to use BC Services Card as an access method for CHEFS forms.
Meaning (Key Result): An approval process to turn on BC Services Card login on forms.
Strategy: Taking a minimum viable bureaucracy approach to enable BC Services Card login.
Meaning: The BC Services Card data to be collected will be limited to just an anonymous id to limit the PII to a minimum level and maximum the ability to turn it on with a self-service process.
Metric: Number of Forms using the BC Services Card access method