UX debt

UX debt

Reducing confusion for admins managing a form


"Reviewers" are finding it hard when they manage multiple forms to remember which one they are on when they click into a submission list.

They are also finding it hard to tell which submissions they are responsible for when the list is long. They spend a lot of time clicking into different forms trying to figure out which ones are theirs.


Potential Solutions:

  • Add the form title under the page title “Submissions.” Similar to what is on the the "Manage Form" page.

  • Giving admins the ability to add columns such as:

    • Assigned to

    • Assigned to notes

    • Last updated date






Users have requested the ability to have additional email notification options, for example:

  • When a form is edited

  • When a form is deleted

  • When someone changes a forms status

  • Notifying a submitter when their application is marked “Complete”


Potential Solutions:

Form level notifications

Red box
On the “Manage form” page add a “Notifications” box, with options for admins to enable notifications for when someone changes a form.

Blue box

Add the ability for all team members to receive a notification when the status of a from changes.

Form owners set their form to notify submitters when their submission is marked “Complete.”

Individual form notifications

Add the ability for any team member to go into a form submission and check off they would like to be notified when a form's status changes. 




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