Definition of Ready
Definition of Ready - Stories
Phase 1 (if met go to phase 2) | Phase 2 (if met go to phase 3) | Phase 3 (If met begin work) |
Initial idea is articulated | Code and BI analysis has been completed | Acceptance criteria ready |
PO has decided on promotion | Business value has been evaluated | All UX/UI ready and all content |
PO has decided there is business value | Solutions have been proposed (technical feasibility proven) | Main related tasks/sub-tasks confirmed as ready |
| Drafts of UX/UI completed | Ideally main test cases created |
| Business feedback and signoff on stories | Item is estimated with story points |
| Dependencies identified |
Definition of Ready - Releases
Identify stories to be done in a release
Dependencies on other releases/priority established
Approved by PO
Definition of Ready - Defects
Detailed enough to reproduce (include steps, good description, screenshots, error messages, unique ID)
Specify enviornment
Build number/release number
Who identified defect
Time/Date identified
User that identified
Defect attached to story and/or release