Definition of Done

Definition of Done

The Definition of Done (DoD) represents our team's formal definition of quality for all Product Backlog Items (PBIs). Definition of Done (DoD) is crucial to a highly functioning Agile team. DoD is a checklist/process that the team must perform/complete successfully before declaring the work to be potentially shippable.

The Forminators currently use Jira tickets to visualize, manage, and track story progress from assignment to completion.

This helps our team agree on a standard across our dev community, or UX community. This helps onboard new staff, and also establishes understanding and trust with partners we collaborate with.

Forminator’s Definition of Done (DoD)

To ensure Built-In Quality and an Agile approach to Product Development, Forminator’s DoD consist of:

  • Definition of Done (Shippable)

  • Definition of Done (Deployed/Released) || also known as Done Done

Definition of Done (Shippable)

  1. Code/Content produced (In Progress)

  2. Code tested by the developer || Content reviewed and placed in Confluence by the developer (In Progress → Review)

  3. Code/Content peer reviewed (Review | Peer Review)

    1. Code/Content updated and completed based on comments

  4. Code is reviewed by the UX to confirm functional/design requirements are met (Review | UX Review)

    1. Code updated and completed based on comments

  5. Jira ticket includes link to code repository || Jira ticket includes link to the Confluence page for content (Review)

  6. Jira ticket acceptance criteria are met and conclusion is stated/updated in the comment section by tagging Product Owner (Review → Done)

  7. Story accepted by the PO and Ready for Pull Request/Deployment (Done)

Definition of Done (Deployed/Released)

  1. Commit for Pull Request/Prod Merge followed the DevOps guideline

  2. Code is updated/finalized

  3. Deployed

Definition of Done (Released: UX/Service Design)

  1. Usability Review/User Feedback

  2. Create/Update Confluence