Red Team - Sprint 6 Report

Red Team - Sprint 6 Report

CHEFS = Common HostEd Form Service

Red Team = Client-focused. Responds to reported issues, and improves and refines existing features


Sprint Goal: Met Not Met

  1. Improving application stability, testing, and performance

  2. Supporting and improving partner experience

  3. Improving inclusion and accessibility capabilities

Dates: 30 May 2024 - 12 June 2024

JIRA Board: Active Sprint

Capacity: Current Load: XX, Total Capacity: XX

Velocity: Average Historical Velocity = XX tickets

Estimated Deliverables: Backlog

Challenges & Issues: List any issues that prevented us from completing the Sprint Goal or negatively impacted our progress.



1. List 1st goal met here
2. List 2nd goal met here
3. List 3rd goal met here

Stakeholder Feedback:

• Any feedback, questions or concerns from the stakeholders


Action Item #1 OngoingDONE BLOCKED
Action Item #2 OngoingDONE BLOCKED