Blue Team - Sprint 6 Report

Blue Team - Sprint 6 Report

CHEFS = Common HostEd Form Service

Blue Team = Future-focused. Research and Development. Explores and builds new features to extend the capabilities of Chefs.


Sprint Goal 1: Deliver minimum viable mapping component
Sprint Goal 2: Prepare  tenant strategy for presenting to architecture forum
Sprint Goal 3: Begin implementing Continuous Discovery Process

Dates: 30 May 2024 - 12 June 2024

JIRA Board: Active Sprint

Capacity: Current Load: XX, Total Capacity: 303

Velocity: Average Historical Velocity = XX tickets

Estimated Deliverables: Backlog

Challenges & Issues: List any issues that prevented us from completing the Sprint Goal or negatively impacted our progress.



1. List goal met
2. List goal met
3. List goal met

Stakeholder Feedback:

• Any feedback, questions or concerns from the stakeholders


Action Item #1 OngoingDONE BLOCKED
Action Item #2 OngoingDONE BLOCKED