#8: (Submitter) Form Submission
User Story Description:
As a submitter, I want the ability to submit a form.
For LTC: this role can be either the HA submitter, contracted operator submitter or the MoH submitter.
Once form is completed (with validation etc.), Submit button becomes clickable.
Business Rationale:
key requirement
[List potential dependencies with other User Stories or Tasks]
# | Task or User Story | Type of Dependency |
35 | Child | |
32 | Child | |
38 | Child | |
41 | Child | |
46 | Child | |
31 | Child | |
52 | CHild | |
53 | #53: (Reviewer) Consult a list of all the forms I have created | Child |
54 | #54: (Admin) View a list of the different submissions for a given form | Child |
66 | Child |
Technical Details:
OOTB feature.
For different submitters (i.e. HA vs. contracted operators), do they need to be submitted to different places? Understand the various workflows as they exist in the current state.
What other statuses does the submission have to go through in order to get to Submit? (i.e., draft, ready for review - internal)
Acceptance Criteria:
[List the Acceptance Criteria]
# | Description | Notes |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Provide high fidelity prototype or mockup
Out of Scope:
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