#7: (Submitter) Calculated Fields

#7: (Submitter) Calculated Fields


User Story Description:

As a submitter, I want certain data fields to be the result of a calculation combining other fields within the form.

These fields would allow for additional validation once the form is submitted.

(Such fields can appear as disabled but not necessarily. Disabling a field is out of the box)

Example: A field could be the result of the sum of two other fields.

Note: This feature story is fairly high-level will be broken down as tasks once data fields are confirmed and forms are being created/built.

Business Rationale:

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[List potential dependencies with other User Stories or Tasks]

Technical Details:

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There is an OOTB functionality for calc fields, but we will need to confirm that it meets our current needs. Probably but TBC from a technical perspective.

Acceptance Criteria:

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[List the Acceptance Criteria]




















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Provide high fidelity prototype or mockup

Out of Scope:

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