#34: (Reviewer) Request for Revision
#34: (Reviewer) Request for Revision
User Story description:
As a reviewer, I want to be able to request a revision for a given submission.
Request for revision functionality involves clicking on “revise” button, which returns it to the submitter.
Will this request be communicated via email?
Business Rationale:
If enough information is missing/inaccurate in a given submission, the reviewer should be able to reject / send back the submission to the submitter so they can review, make the necessary changes and send it back to the reviewer for another review.
[List potential dependencies with other User Stories or Tasks]
# | Task or User Story | Type of Dependency |
4 | Parent | |
Technical Details:
Acceptance Criteria:
[List the Acceptance Criteria]
# | Description | Notes |
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4 |
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Provide high fidelity prototype or mock-up
Out of Scope:
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