HA Mtg Scope Clarification
Jun 20, 2022
@Miranda Stewart
@Killian Faussart (Unlicensed)
Samuel Ramos
Bonnie Wong
Jay Evans
Heather Cook
Linda Shaw
Identify scope of first meeting with Health Authorities (+ address current state diagram if time allows it)
Discussion topics
Item | Notes |
Goal for our first HA meeting is really to level-set and confirm where we are and what has been done so far. This meeting should really be used as an introduction. HAs have shared a lot about their current challenges and pain points already. So we shouldn't make it look like we're starting from scratch. Their effort will need to be acknowledged. We will need to give them a sense of ownership and make sure that they sign off on each item that we will address with them. High level structure of Wednesday's meeting:
Mentions of the need to distinguish between reporting and submission. The business has a tendency to talk about "reporting" when they're really talking about the data submission. |
Action items
Jay to share the existing issue log that he’s collected to date from HAs.
Bonnie could provide the same for data points*** but less important.
CGI (Samuel, Killian & Miranda) to prepare a few slides to guide the convo on Wednesday.