LTC WG Reqs Gathering #3

LTC WG Reqs Gathering #3


Jul 13, 2022



  • @Miranda Stewart

  • @Killian Faussart (Unlicensed)

  • @Wagner Montes

  • Linda Shaw

  • Bonnie Wong

  • Kerri Harrison

  • RHAs

    • IHA - Dan Goughnour, James Kinakin

    • VCH - Rizwan Damji

    • FHA - Francis Moon & Armandeep Sidhu

    • VIHA - Nic Van Westen

    • NHA - Ana Paterson


  • Third reqs gathering session - go through data fields and confirm what data points are required, etc.

  • Confirm MVP with the group.

 Discussion topics





General Notes

  • IHA concerned about stating “all manual reporting” - what does this actually refer to? Some of the occupancy and client contributions that IHA receives come to mind. Also, the direct care position vacancies that IHA and VIHA are struggling with currently.

  • NHA - by period (not by month).

  • FHA - would be nice to have by month

  • VIHA - does a manual adjustment for their quarterly YTD calc.

  • IHA - should wait for Paul on the private providers piece


  • Acknowledgement of the context that the MVP serves (i.e. for budget and confirmed scope/timeline). Simply for the budget and timeline. Not every detail is listed here.

  • Bullet 2

    • The goal is to get rid of the HPRD reporting and instead have it as part of the full income statement.

    • the exec team reviews the HRPD by facility to the Ministry (Northern Health extracts data from the web tool). From operator to HA and from HA to HLTH.

  • Bullet 3: the position vacancies - we may need to have a separate line for that (staffing level). Re-worded to something like “Collects required data for oversight (i.e. income statement which includes occupancy and 3.36 reporting, etc.)”

  • Bullet 4: Kerri wants to see a full income statement report drafted. Also a subset report that collects the information . Standard suite. Ensure we don’t have to configure these BI tools for everyone - kerri confirms it is just the capacity.


  • Bonnie broke down the bed inventory occupancy spreadsheet further. Out of scope for HPRD field → NHA and VIHA cannot separate staffing down that much between all the different categories.

    • Further discussions need to be had regarding this in order to reach a consensus.

Next Steps

  • In order to ensure we are capturing all those data inputs that each HA is collecting, each of the HAs should send what they currently do, and what their future state hope is. i.e. what data do HAs require the providers to provide them with? That is the scope of the facility information, occupancy on 3.36, etc.

  • Next week’s agenda: Talk about the HAMIS reporting and give us a demo of the current CHEFS tool

    • Next meeting heads up - Kerri invited Myra , who’s team is the source for what data is collected in HAMIS.

  • HLTH/CGI will take the feedback we received today, re-write/re-draft the MVP and circulate to the HAs to add in that list.

 Action items

CGI works on bed inventory piece with Helen
@Killian Faussart (Unlicensed) / Kerri / @Miranda Stewart HLTH/CGI will take the feedback we received today, re-write/re-draft the MVP and circulate to the HAs to add in that list.
HAs should send what they currently do/data they collect/how they do the quarterly calcs, and what their future desired state is.
@Killian Faussart (Unlicensed) to prepare a dummy form as a demo of the tool



Wagner’s content - (in adaptation to be included above)


Meeting notes

Kerri first assumptions:

  • MVP to be defined in order to have CGI providing costs for this

  • Business requirements - what we need

    • Comparable information

    • Ways to collect


Going by the MVP topics based on Kerri feedback:

  1. Ok - nothing to be changed


    1. Listing of generated reports

    2. What we collect - occupancy

      1. James: Part of the data may be not good to be shared - it can create unwanted interference from other areas from the Government - James mentioned "Client Contribution"

    3. Ana Paterson: Eliminate duplicate reporting to whom??? " We need the data for other purposes"

      1. Discussion with Kerri regarding which data is managed

  3. Collects required financial information for business needs

    1. Ana Paterson: Business needs is a trick wording


    1. Health Authorities needs it

    2. Kerri considers that HA and MOH have the same needs / Ana disagree


    1. Kerri said: "I want"

      1. full income statement report

      2. Quarterly - "The idea is having a quarterly report that everybody will use it"

      3. 3.36 - "3.36 HPRD Report needs to be here"

    2. James suggested HCAP Spaces - Kerri refused it for the MVP

    3. Data collected needs to be capable to be extracted and used by MOH and HA (not sure which people, not clear)


Wagner’s comments:

  1. Nothing to add


    1. Firstly, this needs to address the collection and availability effort

    2. This has no relation with the report use or calculations, but with the information sourcing

    3. Every team has reporting needs that are not our scope to discuss

    4. The report creation can be measured based on simple adaptation to CHEFS and any report improvement will be topped on this


    1. Financial and operational information

    2. This suggests me that there are very different information needs and scopes:

      1. There is information to be shared only with few users?

    3. Regarding the bed counting discussion:

      1. Maybe a rule that allows total numbers with no specification

      2. It seems that there is needed a definition from each reporter how they manage it

      3. This is a matter of how this is collected. If there is capillarity on the collection side, this discussion is not necessary


General thoughts:

  • We need to separate data points discussion from Reports discussion

    • Currently, the client is discussing data points needs based on how they use it

    • We only need to know at this moment which data points are used

    • The business decisions regarding the report creation only matter if they go beyond CHEFS capability or if they require new data points

  • It seems to be that when we have all data points mapped for the current reports, the client will see opportunities to improve the reports

    • I would not be very focused on the report calculations, but very focused on what information is used for each calculation.

  • As Killian mentioned, if one report is contained in another, the data point discussion is done for this one

    • But we need to assure that the information comes from the same source.

  • Kerri is managing her own team concerns in this meeting

    • This discussion in regards to the creation of a default report goes beyond our interest as solution developers

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