Sep 7 - LTC Working Group Session
  • Ready for review
  • Sep 7 - LTC Working Group Session


    • Bonnie Wong

    • HA Representatives (FHA, IH, NHA, VCH, VIHA)

    • Heather Cook

    • Jay Evans

    • David Mills

    • @Killian Faussart (Unlicensed)

    • @Zeudy Villar Vega

    Regrets: Kerri Harrison, Samuel Ramos, Miranda Stewart, Linda Shaw, Scott Gray, Scott Wingrove


    • Review Operating Revenue

    • Review Expenses

     Discussion Topics

    Agenda Items


    Agenda Items


    Operating Revenue

    • It was suggested to collapse the three sections related to users fees and make it one called “Client Revenue”.

    Bonnie will send an updated copy after the meeting.

    Operating Expenses

    • There was a concern mentioned about the level of granularity of the collection from FHA, IHA and VCHA in the Medical Supplies and Drugs and Pharmaceutical section.

    Heather agrees that these level of details are not required for the Health authorities, the goal is to be able to manage expenses.

    A definition for this sections will be added and the field “Others”. Bonnie will confirm with Kerri as to what should be collected.

    • It was suggested to consolidate the Private and Public Sections related to the costs based on type of beds.

    This will be set up in CHEFS based on beds allocation.

    Bonnie agreed to provide a calculation to the team in order to standardized this section.

    • Administration costs - other expenses, there is no need for the current level of granularity, however it will have a definition. It was asked to keep Admins expenses, Accreditation Costs, Association dues, Insurances (for property & liability), Other specify (make notes mandatory for other).

    Suggested to capture the Head Office compensation recovery cost component and also a separate Head Office overhead recovery cost under the management fees/overhead.

    It was mentioned that Management fees are usually a percentage of the revenue, this should be isolated. Bonnie and Francis will continue to discuss this offline.

    • Compensation & Benefits:

    Item #1 - Salaries: remove “Unit Clerks” and rename it “Clerical”. This might need a “Head Office Allocation" line item. Will sort out with Francis.

    Item #2 - Hours (paid) for Staff and Contracted Services: remove the word “scheduled” and leave the word “Hours” only on the table title. Same case in row 17.

    Nic suggested to delete columns T to W in the “Additional Position Type Information” section. These won’t be needed for input, and can be calculated in report.

    Columns Y to AA will be parked for now.

    Bonnie will chat with Carrie, Heather and team about this change.

    Item #3 - Benefits: Ron suggestion (Nic agrees) to add a separate line to include “Sick and Severance” in this list. It could be and additional line below the “Benefits” table.

    Bonnie will update the design for this suggestion.

    Heather and Bonnie will have a conversation with Kerri regarding the “Accrual” line.

    HAs will also think about this one.

    Non-Operating Revenue and Expense Section.

    • Non-Operating Revenue and Expense.

    Only report "Mortgage Principle Repayment Expense" in this section. The "Revenue" (line 29) should be removed.

    Next Week’s Agenda


    • Updates will be presented in CHEFS view, and they will be reviewed.

    • Outstanding questions will be answered.


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