Aug 31 - LTC Working Group Session
  • Ready for review
  • Aug 31 - LTC Working Group Session


    • Bonnie Wong

    • HA Representatives (FHA, IH, NHA, VCH, VIHA)

    • Heather Cook

    • Jay Evans

    • David Mills

    • @Killian Faussart (Unlicensed)

    • @Wagner Montes

    • @Zeudy Villar Vega

    Regrets: Kerri Harrison, Samuel Ramos, Miranda Stewart, Linda Shaw, Scott Gray, Scott Wingrove


    • Review annual staffing plan, direct care hours (DCH) & cost

    • Review Operating Revenue

     Discussion Topics

    Agenda Items


    Agenda Items


    Project Update

    Killian updated the group regarding the status of the application, he highlighted the following points:

    • We have a few weeks to go to finalize the standardization of the data

    • In the meantime we are started building the form in CHEFS and we are also starting to build custom features

          (i.e. Bulk submission, Submission periods, Automated notification)

    Operating Revenue

    • Nick from VIHA agrees with the sections and suggested inclusion of the information regarding the sources of the revenue, by adding a new section “Client Revenue” like a co-payment. Ron supports the idea.

    • Bonnie suggested to Nick to mock something up for her to have a better perspective.

    • Question: Where would the items like COVID Initiatives go? It will go under one time funding.

    Decision: To remove line 65 for "Room Differential".

    • MoH will create a Q&A document as support to help with filling out the data.

    Decision: The "Others" fields will be free form and not a dropdown.

    • Line CMHC/BCHMC subsidy, should be change to mortgage subsidy. Bonnie will take on it a get more background.

    Take Away: Decide whether the Recoveries for Expenditures should be reported as a net or gross expense. With potential to eliminate this section.

    • Timing for recoveries: Recoveries are usually done for a previous period. The form should make clear how this section should be filled out.

    Take Away: Line 72 "funding for mortgage, replacement reserve" isn't a revenue from other government agencies.

    This is paid by Health Authorities. So should this be moved to another section?

    Should this be called "Morgage Interest Subsidy"?

    • Question: What is HA Capital Contribution Funding? It is to recognize what is used to offset the amortization

    • Question: Where does mortgage go? Will be part of #1 (Base Funding)

    Deferred Revenue – Op & Cap Section

    • Park this section for the future.

    • This could be removed for now and could be built in the future.

    Operating Expenses Section

    • Question: Where does the IT go? Re: it would go under the Administration Expenses. This should have its own line item

    Take Away: Add an "IMIT Cost" line to cover IT costs. This would need its own targeted funding section.

    Next Week’s Agenda


    • The objective for next week will be to finalize Operating, Compensation and Non-Operating sections.

    • HA’s to look at the Compensation & Benefits Section.

     Action Items




    Creation Date

    Due Date






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    Due Date

