Common Components Program
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Common Components Program Overview
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2025 Roadmap Overview
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CHEFS Bugs/Defect Tracker
Form Designer - Cropped code in dialogs
BC Address Component - Strange behavior / Problematic use in PROD
DataGrid Layout - confusing presence of scroll bar
Submissions Page - Checkbox components with no practical effect
Form Management Submission Page does not inform the Form Schema name
Print Template Output time zone
Form Search placeholder with wrong description
Select Column - Tool limitations are not well defined
Error copying previous submission
Unable to select all versions for export
Team Management of draft/submissions does not carry over when submissions are copied
Drop-down menu items being concealed
Multiple upload template missing fields
Conflicting dates when CHEFS submission is received
Text field values does not show up in the PDF file
Phone number field is clipped and not visible on the form
Incorrect Submission Dates being Displayed
Form columns missing from selection after being de-selected
Data missing in submission review screen
Bulk Upload - Draft Submission Validation
Data Missing When Viewing Submissions
While editing an unpublished form in CHEFS the save button stops working
Deleting the format from the "Advanced Fields > Date/Time" component
Feb 29th - "Basic Fields > Day" component
Feb 29th - "Advanced Fields > Day" component
Unusual email addresses
Font Size Selections Are Broken In The "Basic Layout > Text/Images" Component
Broken Help Link
Broken style tags
The "Submitted" and "Modified" date/time stamps are switched for applications that were saved as a draft before being submitted
Formatting error in the "sent invite email" notification
Viewing Drafts - Signing in with a different Business BCeID than the one used to create a draft
Viewing Prior Submissions - Signing in with a different Business BCeID than the one used to submit prior submissions
Any Component nested inside a Data Grid component can be cut off.
From the links in the emailed receipt of the submission, users are unable to view a submission or prior submissions if signing-in using a different Business BCeID than was originally used to submit an application
After saving an application draft the "words remaining" indicator associated with a text component is not present
A technique to bypass word length limits in text components
Large numbers 'roll over' into small numbers that are entered into a "Basic Fields > Number" component
Invalid data remains in the component without any error message after saving and then reopening a draft
Export CSV submission columns issue
API tokens do not work against Submission API for non-public forms
CHEFS BUG: Cannot find previous submission for a form.
Columns not allowing for sorting and showing error message
Submissions search functionality not working
Column selection not persisting as a submitter
CHEFS BUG: Tables with many Columns.
CHEFS BUG: Hidden Components Inside Resized Tables.
CHEFS BUG: It's Possible to Delete One or More Tabs Without Receiving any Warning Message.
CHEFS BUG: The preview for the "Advanced Layout > Panel" component doesn't change when you select a new theme.
CHEFS BUG: Printed PDFs of Completed Submissions are Squished
CHEFS BUG - Large images are not scaled to remain within the boundaries of a "basic layout > Text/Images" component
CHEFS BUG - Export to CSV is Incomplete
CHEFS BUG - Copying a previous submission misses fields.
CHEFS BUG - No email notification sent upon submission
Bulk upload accepts form data
CHEFS BUG - Submitters are intermittently unable to attach documents to CHEFs forms since ~Dec 01, 2023
Data not properly displayed within another section of the same form
Display issues with large forms
CHEFS Defect - The user is still able to save a draft when navigating away from the form
CHEFS BUG - After saving a draft, then reopening the form, the value in a text field has changed
Expected Behaviour - Copy Submission should override submission state
CHEFS Bug - The form access shows as "Log-in required" after refreshing your tab.
CHEFS BUG - An Advanced Text Field with an Input Mask will reposition the middle and left columns of a "Columns - 3" component
Submission file(s) downloads failing with HTTP 500
CHEFS BUG - Cannot Export Submissions to CSV for some forms.
Putting a link in the label of a file upload component messes up the message at the bottom.
Event Subscription Issue with Draft Submissions
Permissions on CDOGS Print Template feature
External API does not work in Drafts
CHEFS BUG - Show validation messages without database submission
CHEFS Field Validation Setting "Unique" does not seem to do anything.
Unable to add multiple team members to the form.
Hidden fields being exported in creation of multiple submission upload template
Bulk-Upload functionality throwing 'Bad Request' errors
Client-persistent fields being exported in multiple submission template
“Manage Team Members“ modal shows incorrect information after copying a submission
CHEFS BUG - The closing message is not displayed to applicants accessing the CHEFS form outside of the submission window
Enhancement - Usability Messaging
Error messages continuously show up after saving the form as draft
Client persisted fields appearing in column selection
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Common Components Program
CHEFS Bugs/Defect Tracker
CHEFS Bugs/Defect Tracker
Emir Hanic (Deactivated)
Shannon Farguson (Unlicensed)
Duncan Strong
Keyvan Torkanpoory
Owned by
Emir Hanic (Deactivated)
Last updated:
Apr 15, 2024
Shannon Farguson (Unlicensed)
1 min read
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CHEFS = Common HostEd Form Service
Create from template
{"serverDuration": 33, "requestCorrelationId": "6837ebb0f76e478aafb6006212177d92"}